Chapter 1 - Introduction To Geology Flashcards
Give four examples of how geology affects our everyday lives
1) Natural events - earthquakes…
2) Economics and politics - minerals and energy resources are not equally distributed
3) our role as decision makers
4) consumers and citizens - we enjoy a standard of living that is directly dependent on consumption of Geologic materials
What is geology
Study of the Earth
Principle of uniformitism
Processes we see today have been operating throughout time. To understand and interpret evidence preserved in rock we must first understand present processes and their results
Relative dating
Layers in piles of rock that show us records of the sequence of past events
Earth as an open system
With many interacting subsystems that involve the transfer of energy and materials from one area to another
All Earth’s water such as ice, lakes and snow
Solid Earth from core to surface composed principally of rock and unconsolidated cement
Theory believing that earths features with permanent and had been produced by a few great upheavals
According to recent studies, how old is the Earth
4550 million years old
What is an open system
Both energy and matter flow into and out of the system
Mixture of gases that surround the Earth
All of the organisms as well as any organic matter not yet decomposed
What is a rock
A coherent, naturally occurring solid consisting of an aggregate of minerals
Coherent rocks
A rock holds together and must be broken into separate pieces and not a pile of an attached grains the can move around
Naturally occurring rocks
Manufactured materials like concrete and brick do not qualify