Chapter 1 - Introduction to financial markets Flashcards
What are the four main functions of the financial service industry
- Financial intermediation
- Pooling and Managing risk -
- Provisions of settlements and payments
- Portfolio Management
What are the main types of financial instutions
- Central banks
- deposit institutions
- Investment institutions
What is Financial Intermediation
- Acts as a middleman for financial transactions - provides ways for funds to move from savers (surplus) to borrowers (deficit) agents
- Examples include: Investment Bank, Mutual fund, pension fund
- These intetermediaries provide ways to create efficient markets by reducing infomation and lowering costs
How do institutions perform a intermediary function
- Banks uses the secruties markets to raise capital and invest
- Investment institutions such as: pension funds, Insurance companies purchase secrutinaised assets of the Bank.
What is the significance of pooling and managing risk
- Pooled investment products allow mutiple savers to invest in a wider variety of instruments than they would able to indivdually, therefore reduces each indivdual overall exposure
- Insurance comapanies allows indivduals to transfer a risk exposure in return for a premium.
- Dervatives such as: futures and options, allow investors to manage their risk exposure.
What role does the Central bank play
- It is responsibile for setting monetary framework through 2 ways:
1) Setting interest rates to meet inflation target
2) Acting as lender to banking sector by supplying liqudity in times of crisis.
What is the role of an investment institution
- Offer protection against unwanted events in exchange for a premium
- Covers life insurance - longer period so insurers generally hold long term assets
- Covers loss or damage and tend to hold shorter term assets so there is more need for immediate cash.
They invest the funds raised in tradeable secruties such as: Bonds and Equities
How has capital flows across national boarders increased?
- Central banks in other countries purchasing many US treasury in large quantites
- Companies in one country may choose to list on the stock market in another country to raise more liquid capital
- Companies can issue bonds in another country
- Investment institutions increased their holdings in forgien assets which benefits investors in the UK looking to invest internationally.
What is the role of the government
- Provide services that private firms are either unwilling or not allowed to provide- ‘Market Failure’ examples include: law and order and maintenance of infrastructure.
- Regulation to protect customers - Promote competition and prevent fraud by restircting entry
- Improving distribution of capital - Redistribution of income and wealth through taxes and state benefits
Stablising the economy - Controlling inflation by using interest rates , carried out by MPC
SECTION 1.2 - The role of secruties in providing liquidity
Who are the main lenders and borrowers in an economy
- Households are the main lenders
- Companies and governments are the main borrowers
What is the difference between a real asset and financial asset
- A real asset is something material such as: land, gold, buildings
- A financial asset is somehting that will provide a return such as: bonds and secruties
What are the types of financial assets
1) Debt claims - loans made by lenders to borrowers that are epxected to be paid back with interest
* Example: A bank deposit with fixed or variable rate of interest
2) Equity secruties - A tradeable asset known as Shares
Example of tradable and non tradeable debt claim
- Non-tradable debt claim is a bank deposit
- A tradable debt claim is a bond (fixed income secruity) issued by the governemnt
Whta is the difference between money markets and capital markets
- Examples of money markets include: treasury bill debt that have a short term matruity date usually 1-3 months
- Examples of capital markets are bonds and shares that have a longer maturity date
How do savers generally invest in bonds and shares
- Indirectly through intermediaries such as insurane companies, pension funds and pooled investment products
- The benefits of this is that:
1) Greater diversification - Ability to invest in assets that may not be available to an instituional invetsor e.g. commercial property.
2) Reduced transaction cost - due to intermeidary can trade at lower costs
What do invetsment intermediaries use to manage risk
- Derivative contracts
What are derivatives
- Financial contracts based on the value of an underlying asset e.g bonds, stocks, currencies.
- An example of where derivatives contracts are used is by making gains from anticipated movements in the price of an asset. - two parties agreeing on the purchase and delivery of an asset on an agreed upon price and a future date
What are the 4 functions of secruties market
Secruties markets brings buyers and sellers together e.g euqties & bonds
- Raising capital - Firm can issue equities and bonds - helps with moblisation of savings
- Transfer risk for investors- Use derivative contracts to hedge risk
- Price discovery- In Equity markets equlibrium price changes frequently allows buyers and sellers to agree on a price
- Creating liquiduty - Allows investors to sell their shares if need be
What is the difference bewteen primary markets and secondary markets
- Primary markets - Initial sale of secrutiy into the market in order to raise capital - IPO
- Secondary markets- Where company has already issued the shares - allows the ability to turn secruties into cash quickly with minimal loss of value