Chapter 1- Introduction to Financial Management Flashcards
What do we need to try and maximize in order to maximize the value of the company?
We need to try and maximize the equity.
Why would a firm maximize stock price?
They would do this because stock price is easily observable and constantly updated.
Is it possible for a company to have both positive profits and negative cash flow?
Yes, it is possible.
What does accounting focus on?
1) Focus on profit.
2) Revenues- Expenses (at book value).
What does finance focus on?
1) Focus on cash flow.
2) Inflow and outflow of money (the ability to pay bills).
Book Value
How much it costs you. This does not reflect market value. (How much did you purchase something for?)
Cash Flow
You care about when money flows in and out.
What does the cash flow statement start with?
This statement begins with Earnings. Also note that Cash Flow does NOT equal Earnings.
Positive Cash Flow
More money coming in than going out.
Negative Cash Flow
More money going out than coming in.
What are the three roles shown in the corporate finance decision flow diagram?
The corporation, financial manager, and investors.
What is the first decision that a financial manager has to make?
They have to decide how they are going to raise cash/capital.
What are two choices that a company can make when they receive cash back/profit?
They can either reinvest the money (plowback) into the company, or they can pay back investors.
What is the goal of the firm?
In traditional corporate finance, the objective in decision making is to maximize the value of the company.
What does debt and equity allow us to do?
These are how we generate money to purchase and further invest in assets.
Growth Assets
How much you can grow your assets based on what you already have.
Why is it tricky to maximize assets?
It is tricky to maximize assets because growth assets are estimated/unknown.
What is a “narrower” objective for a corporation?
To maximize stockholders’ wealth (equity)
Why does the goal of a firm narrow down to stockholders rather than debtholder (e.g., bank, bondholders)?
Shareholders/stockholders have a residual claim. Other claimholders have a contractual claim that they could negotiate contract terms to protect their interests.
How does the goal of the firm “narrow down”?
1) Max the value of a firm.
2) Max the shareholders wealth (equity)
3) Max stock price.
- If all three are a choice, #1 is the most correct. #2 and #3 are ways to execute #1.
Opportunity Cost
The cost of making a choice in terms of the next best alternative that must be foregone.