Chapter 1 - Introduction to Corporate Governance Flashcards
What are corporations - Lawyer definition?
A corporation is a legal business structure that establishes the business as being a separate entity from the owners.
What are corporations - Economist definition
A corporation is a bundle of contracts
What is a corporation?
A mechanism established to allow different parties to contribute capital, expertise, and labour for their mutual benefits.
What are types of corporations
- Sole proprietorship
- Partnership
- Corporations - Public vs private
What are essential characteristics of public corporations?
- Limited liability for investors
- Transferability of investor ownership - Through the trading of shares of stock exchange
- Legal personality - Has legal rights and obligations
- Separation of legal ownership and management control
Historically, how were firms managed?
Founder owners and descendants
What does it mean when a small firms manager owns large share of the stock?
Implies there is little separation between ownership and management control.
What are issues that small firms may face?
- As they grow, they may not have access to all needed skills to manage the growing firm and maximize its returns, so may need outsiders to improve management.
- May need to seek outside capital (whereby the give up some ownership control)
Why do we have a separation of ownership and control?
The thousands, or more, investors who own public corporations could not collectively make the daily decisions needed to operate a business. Therefore it has led to:
1. The shareholders elect directors to act as agents in supervising the firm
2. The directors appoint officers (or executives) to actually run the firm on a day to day basis.
Why do problems arise in corporations?
The agents (top management) are not willing to bear responsibility for their decisions unless they own a substantial amount of stock in the corporation.
What are the two parts of family firms?
- 100% owned and managed by founders and their families.
- No separation between ownership and management control.
What are the two parts of small firms?
- Managers may still own large shareholdings
- Minimal separation between ownership and management control.
What are two parts of large firms / growth oriented firms?
- Needs outside talent / capital
- Wide separation between ownership and management control.
What is the reason Adam Smith and Milton Friedman presents as to why we need corporate governance?
The directors of such companies, however, being the managers rather of other peoples money than of their own, it cannot well be expected that they should watch over it with the same anxious vigilance with which the partners in a private copartners frequently watch over their own.
No one spends others peoples money as carefully as they spend their own.
What is the principal agent problem?
There is a conflict of interest between principal and agent, there is a lack of trust on the good faith of agents.