chapter 1: introduction to communication theory Flashcards
what is communication
there are man different definitions of communication and difficult to select only one
definitions of communications
a. in business world, communication is synonymous with information
b. communication is viewed as simply one activity among others, such as planning, controlling, and managing
c. communication scholars understand communication as a complex process associated with sending, receiving, and interpreting messages
dance’s definition of communication
- level of observation
- intentionality
- normative judgement
level of observation
the scope of what is included in the definition. is it just verbal?
must messages be sent consciously and on purpose to count as communication? some definitions are sad to take a source of orientation while others take a receiver orientation to communication. does speaker intent matter?
normative judgment
do messages that are not understood count as communication? is success required for an interaction to be considered as communication
contexts of communications
- cognitive
- individual differences
- interpersonal
- intercultural
- persuasive
- group
- organizational
- mediated
- mass communication
the influence our thoughts have on the way we communicate
individual difference
the nature-nurture debate and how individual differences and social roles play a role in the communication process
interactions between two individuals who most often have a relationship with each other
interpersonal communication when two people are from different cultures
takes place in a variety of settings, ranging from inside one person’s mind to the mass media
how groups function
team members’ satisfaction
how technology influences our interpersonal, group, and organizational communication
mass communication
influence of mass-mediated messages on our thoughts and behaviors
communication competence
a. is understood as achieving balance between effectiveness and appropriateness
b. understanding theory will allow for a proper balance of effectiveness and appropriateness
the extent to which you achieve your goals in interaction
fulfilling social expectations for a particular situation
concepts, models, and theories
a. theories provide an abstract understanding of the communication process
b. theories move beyond describing a single event by providing means by which all like events can be described
c. theories can be defined as any systematic explanation about the nature of the communication process
1. functions include
- focusing attention on concepts
- classifying our observations
- predicting communication behavior
- generating personal and social change
d. theories are different from concepts and models
1. concepts refer to an agreed upon aspect of reality
2. models can be defined in 4 ways
- synonymous to theory
- precursors to theory
- a physical representation of s theory
- an application of a prediction
3 types of theory
a. commonsense theory
b. working theory
c. scholarly theory
commonsense theory
- created through personal experiences
2. are often the basis for our decisions on how to communicate
working theory
- generalizations made in particular professions about the best technique for doing something
- more systematic than commonsense theory because they represent agreed on ways of doing things in professions
scholarly theory
- undergone systematic research
- provide more thorough, accurate, and abstract explanations
- typically more complex and difficult to understand
evaluating theory criteria
- accuracy
- practicality
- succinctness
- consistency
- acuity
a. correctly summarizes the way communication actually works
b. systematic research supports the explanations provided by the theory
c. has research supported that the theory works the way it says it does
a. can hit be used to address real-world communication problems
b. Lewin (1951)- there is nothing so practical as a good theory
c. a theory with more application is better than aa theory without uses
d. has the theory been used in research literature and professional practice.
a. is the theories explanation or description sufficiently concise?
b. an effective theory should include no more and no less than necessary to understand a phenomenon thoroughly
a. the most useful theories have internal and external consistency
1. internal consistency
2. external consistency
3. does the theory demonstrate coherence within its ow premises and with other theories? strong logical structure is key
internal consistency
the ideas of the theory are logically built on one another
external consistency
refers to theory’s coherence with other widely held theories
a. ability of. theory to provide insight into an otherwise intricate issue
b. you need to think, “wow I never realized that” rather than “no duh”