Chapter 1 - Introduction To Business Financial Management Flashcards
What are the three different types of businesses?
The three different types of businesses are service, retailer and manufacture.
What are the characteristics of a sole trader?
A sole trader is own by one person, not a seperate legal entity and the owner has unlimited liability.
What are the advantages of being a sole trader?
The advantages of being a sole trader is making all the decisions, receiving all the profits and simple and cheaper to start business because there is less government requirements.
What are the disadvantages of being a sole trader?
The disadvantages of being a sole trader is limited capital to start business, has unlimited liability and if the owner gets sick or goes on holiday, it is hard to find a replacement.
What does unlimited liability mean?
Unlimited liability means if the business gets sued or goes into liquidation, the business must sell all its assets. But however, if the business’ assets aren’t enough to pay off liabilities, the business creditors have a claim on the owner’s personal assets such as house or car.
What are the characteristics of a partnership business?
The characteristics of a partnership business is that it can be owned by 2-20 people, isn’t a seperate legal entity and the owners have unlimited liability.
What are the advantages of being a partnership business?
The advantages of being a partnership business is more capital can be raised than a sole trader, there is shared ideas and expertise, division of work and limited rules and regulations.
What are the disadvantages of being in a partnership?
The disadvantages of being in a partnership business is unlimited liability, profits shared, limited life and mutual agency.
What are the characteristics of a proprietary company?
The characteristics of a proprietary company is it’s a seperate legal entity, they must have at least one shareholder but no more than fifty, they must have Pty Ltd Proprietary Limited in their name and the shareholders have limited liability meaning they only lose the money they invested.
What are the advantages of having a proprietary company?
The advantages of having a proprietary company is seperate legal entity, limited liability, more capital available, easy transfer of ownership and continuous life.
What are the disadvantages of having a proprietary company?
The disadvantages of having a proprietary company is that there are more laws, it is more expensive to start and if the company becomes large, there is more demanding in record keeping and reporting requirements.
A small proprietary company must satisfy at least 2 of what 3 conditions?
A small proprietary company must satisfy at least 2 of the 3 conditions listed.
The annual sales is less than $25 million.
The assets at the end of the year is less than $12.5 million.
The company has less than 50 employees at the end of the year.
What is the characteristics of a public company?
The characteristics of a public company is they must have at least one shareholder and there is no maximum and they must have Ltd Limited in their name.
What are the advantages of a public company?
The advantages of a public company is limited liability, continuous life, greater capital base possible and easy to transfer interests.
What are the disadvantages of a public company?
He disadvantages of a public company is it’s expensive to establish and maintain and there are on going government reporting and regulations.
What is what the business owns is equal to?
What the business owns is equal to what it owes.
What is the Accounting equation?
The Accounting equation is assets is equal to liabilities plus equity.
A = L + EQ
What is the extended Accounting equation?
The extended Accounting equation is assets plus expenses is equal to liabilities plus equity plus income.
A + E = L + EQ + I
Define asset.
An asset is a resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events and which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.
What is the criteria for asset recognition?
The criteria for asset recognition is it is probable that an inflow of future economic benefits will occur and the value of the asset can be measured reliably.
Define liability.
A liability is a present obligation of the entity resulting from past events he settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits.
What is the recognition criteria for liabilities?
The recognition criteria for liabilities is it is probable that an outflow of future economic benefits will occur and the value of the liability can be measured reliably.
Define equity.
Equity is the residual (remaining) interests in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities.
What are some short term sources of finance?
Some short term sources of finance are Retained earnings (internal) Bank overdraft (external) Credit card (external) Bills of exchange (external) Trade credit (external) Factoring of accounts receivable/debtors (external)
What are some long term sources of finance?
Some long term sources of finance are Additional capital Retained earnings Term loans Mortgage loans Leasing
What are the advantages of using retained earnings and additional capital?
The advantages of using retained earnings and additional capital as a short term source of finance is the money doesn’t have to be paid back and no interest.
What are the disadvantages of using retained earnings and additional capital?
The disadvantages of using retained earnings and additional capital as a short term of finance is the owner cannot withdraw the cash for his own use.
What are the advantages of using a bank overdraft as a short term source of finance?
The advantages of using a bank overdraft as a short term of finance is that it’s fast and you can get more than the other sources of finance.
What are the disadvantages of using a bank overdraft as a short term source of finance?
The disadvantages of using a bank overdraft as a short term source of finance is that the business’ bank account can’t constantly be in overdraft or the bank will stop giving the business money interest expense is quite high.
What is trade credit?
Trade credit is a short term source of finance and is when a business purchases inventory on credit.
What is bills of exchange?
Bills of exchange is a short term source of finance where a 180 days or less loan is given from a bank with the funds provided by an outside investor.
What is factoring?
Factoring is a short term source of finance and is when a business sells its accounts receivable to a business for less than what it’s worth.
What are credit cards?
Credit cards can be used as a short term source of finance and is where a bank pays for everything in a business and the business pays back the amount owing after not long.
What are some financial institutions?
Some financial institutions are banks, finance companies, credit unions, insurance companies and superannuation funds and other money lenders such as cash converters.
What is the rule about risk and return?
The rule about risk and return is making a small risk could result in a small return and making a large risk could result in a large return.
What are some factors financial institutions consider before lending money?
Some factors financial institutions consider before lending money is collateral, liquidity, credit history, guarantors, interest rate and future business.
What is collateral?
Collateral is a risk factor a financial institution considers before lending money.
Collateral means looking at assets that can be sold to the lender if the borrower fails to pay back the loan and any surplus from the sale of the asset is returned to the borrower.
What are guarantors?
Guarantors is a risk factor financial institutions consider before lending a loan. Guarantors are people who say someone is likely to pay back a loan or they pay it back if the borrower can’t.
What is history of the client?
History of the client is a risk factor financial institutions consider before they lend money to a borrower. A financial institution will look at credit history of the borrower before lending them money.
What is liquidity?
Liquidity is a risk factor financial institutions consider before lending money to a borrower. Liquidity is the likeliness of the business to go into liquidation.
What is return?
Return is a factor financial institutions discuss with their borrowers before lending them money. Financial institutions plan with their borrowers how they are going to pay back their loan and the future of the business.
Define Accounting.
Accounting is defined as the process of providing decision makers with financial information to enable hem to make economic decisions about an entity.
What is meant by the accrual accounting system?
Expenses are recognised when asset is decreased or a liability is increased.
Describe the Accounting concept of entity.
Finances of the business are kept seperate from the owner.
Describe the Accounting concept of double entry.
Every transaction must debit at least one account and credit at least one account.
Describe the Accounting concept of the Accounting equation.
The equity of a business is equal to its assets less its liabilities.
Describe the Accounting concept of monetary value.
All transactions are to be recorded with a monetary value.
Describe the Accounting concept of historical cost.
The original cost of an asset upon purchase of it.