Chapter 1 - Introduction to a Typical Computer Flashcards
What is CompTIA?
A not-for-profit, vendor-neutral organization that certifies the competency level of technicians through examinations written to test specific areas.
What is A+ Certification?
The certification awarded fro completing CompTIA which is recognized throughout the industry as a certification of basic PC repair and support skills.
What is this and by whom is it manufactured?
A CPU/Microchip made by AMD
What is this?
A scientific grade computer used for research and other demanding calculations. Also used widely for hosting servers such as with google’s large databases.
What is this?
A Dell home computer. Standard PC in todays world.
What are Digital Electronics?
Electronics in computers that use on and off conditions. The device either has full voltage or no voltage at all.
What are Analog Electronics?
Computer parts that produce and use a varying amount of voltage.
What is a Computer?
An assembly of electronic modules that interact with software to create, modify, transmit, store, and display data.
What is data?
Data is information such as text, graphics, and sounds.
What is a binary number system?
A form of code that consists entirely of ones and zeros, where ones mean a yes, or power, and zeros mean a no, or no power.
What is the hexadecimal number system?
A system of coding that uses 16 characters, numbers 0-9 and letters A-F
What is ASCII?
the American Standard Code for Information. The first attempt to standarize copmuter character codes among the varieties of harware and software. This helped create networks such as the letter k on a keyboard to the letter k on the monitor to the letter k being printed out of a printer. Today many key codes represent symbols on the Windows GUI through alt codes like ▲(Alt+3+0) which is done on the numpad.
What is a bit?
A bit is a single binary character of one or zero.
What is a byte?
A byte is a string of 8 bits, which was the original bandwidth used by computers.
What is a word in a computing sense?
A word is the total number of bytes a copmuter can process at one time. This will vary from computer to computer like in todays age most computer OS’s range from 32 to 64 bit processing bandwidth.
What is Serial Transfer?
Data being sent through a port one bit at a time in successive order.