Chapter 1 - Introduction Flashcards
Project Management has been created:
A - In the last 20 years to address the more complex issues in today business world
B - In XIX century, during the industrial revolution to address the issues and opportunities offered by the new global economic systems
C - It was enstablished during the roman emperial period by empereor Adriane
D - Since the very early existence of homo sapiens
Correct answer is D
Select a project outcome amongst the followings:
A - Pyramids of Giza B - Increase the recognition of pharaon's power for the present and future centuries C - Outsourced service desk service D - Olympic Games E - New security policy
Correct answer is D
The BOK is:
A - It is the set of all project management related knowledge
B - A methodology defining the best project management practice
C - The best project management practices generally recognized as good practices
D - The official guide to project management released by PMI
Correct answer is A
The scope of PMBOK focus on the discipline of :
A - Portfolio, Program and Project management discipline
B - Mainly Project Management; Portfolio and programs are examined marginally only for their relations with Projects;
C - Executive Management
D - How to manage a group of projects in order that their outcomes are aligned to the strategic goals
Correct answer is B
What is a project:
A - The daily effort for create a given quantity of a well known product
B - A temporary undertaking to create a new version of health and safety document
C - The incessant effort by a project team to create a unique product, service or result
D - The temporary venture of every day work to provide Plexos support from 9am to 7pm
Correct answer is B
Amongst the following examples select what is not a project:
A - Developing a new pharmaceutical compound for market,
B - Expanding a tour guide service;
C - Merging two organizations;
D - Selling 1000 copies of year of lonely planet travel guides;
Correct answer is D
Select the wrong answer:
A - On of the essential elements of the project is that is outcomes bring some changes on the organization affected
B - The deliverable of a project can be an unique product
C - The project does not drive any change in the affected organization
D - Projects enable business value creation
Correct answer is D
PMI defines business values as:
A - The set of tangible and intagible benefits brought by projects result;
B - The 20% profit increase in the alcholic drink selling thanks to the new advertising campaign;
C - An improved reputation from our main stakeholder;
D - A decrease of costs to produce playstation 4;
Correct answer is B
A project initiation context is
A - A process to initiate formarly a project
B - A set of several circumstances which have generated the need for a project
C - It is one of the activities involved in project initiation processes group
D - It is the initial project scope as specified in the Project Charter
Correct answer is B
Select what is not a factor that lead to the creation of a project:
A - A need for a new technology;
B - A change in the competitive force;
C - A problem with some materials;
D - Ensure that urgent emails are answered within 5 hours
Correct answer is D
Project management is the adoption of which of the following elements to project activities: A - Best practices B - Skills C - Processes D - Tools E - Knowledge F - Techniques G - Operations H - Policies I - Experience L - Procedures
Correct answers are: B,D,E,F, L
Is Project Management a organizational strategic competency?:
A - At any case because it helps organization to reach their own goals;
B - For the temporary nature of the project management, in not a core organizational competency
C - Yes, but when all knowledge, tools, skills, techniques are applied in a way to satisfy the proect requirements optimizing the use of resource (efficiency and effectiveness)
D - Only when this competency is adopted in a correct way which brings results.
Correct answer is C
Two projects never share the same stakeholders:
A - False
B - True
Correct answer is A
Tell which one is true:
A - A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create existing products
B - A program is a group of projects unrelated from each other
C - A program cannot be composed by subsidiary programs
D - The aim of a portfolio is to manage a set of unrlated projects, programs, operations, subsidiary portfolios in order to achieve a set of organizational strategic objectives
Correct answer is D
Program management is:
A - The application of knowledge, skills to a project to achieve program objectives
B - The appllication of knowledge, skills, tools, and principles to a program to achieve the program objectives and to obtain benefits not available by managing project component individually
C - The application of knowledge, skills, and principles to a program to achieve the program objectives and to obtain benefits not available by managing the program components individually
D - The application of knowledge, skills, and techniques to a program to achieve the program objectives and to obtain benefits not available by managing the program components individually
Correct answer is C