chapter 1: introduction Flashcards
3def economics
Economics is the science that deals with the allocation of scarce resources to satisfy unlimited human wants.
def microeconomics
Microeconomics studies the economic behavior of individual economic decision
externality problem
when people have no incentive to change to solve the problem or to take the problem into account.
eg. globalwarming
def Exogenous variable
Exogenous variable: Variable whose value is taken as given in a model.
Endogenous variable:
Endogenous variable: Variable whose value is determined within the model.
Constrained optimization
Constrained optimization is an analytical tool for making the best choice, taking into account any possible limitations or restrictions on the choice.
-> The solution to any constrained optimization problem depends on the marginal impact of the decision variables on the objective function.
An objective function
An objective function is the relationship that the decision maker seeks to maximize or minimize.
are the restrictions or limits imposed on a decision maker in a constrained optimization problem.
Decision makers are rational:
: Each person tries to choose the best alternative available to him or her.
An equilibrium
is a state or condition that will continue indefinitely as long as factors exogenous to the system remain unchanged.
The equilibrium principle:
Prices adjust until the quantity demanded equals
the quantity supplied.
Comparative statics =
comparing two static equilibria without worrying about how the market moves from one equilibrium to another.
cap-and-trade system
- Caps are placed on the total amount of emissions from specific sources.
- Within the cap, companies receive or buy emission allowances, which they
can trade with one another. - Reductions in emissions of a given amount are achieved as cheaply as
economic models
or formal descriptions of
the problems they are addressing. They are simplifications of reality and built
on assumptions
Marginal reasoning
eg. The manager of a brewery has to decide how to allocate a budget of 1 million euro between television and radio spots.
- The marginal impact of money spent on TV (radio) advertising is how
much sales go up for every additional euro spent on TV (radio) advertising. - The marginal impact of advertising is decreasing. The more you spend on
TV (radio) advertising, the smaller the additional sales generated from
additional TV (radio) spots.
The solution to any constrained optimization problem depends on the marginal impact of the decision variables on the objective function.