Chapter 1 - Introducing Sociology Flashcards
Define Sociology
The systematic study of human behaviour in its SOCIAL CONTEXT
What is Sociological Imagination?
C. WRIGHT MILLS came up with “Sociological Imagination” which is a special tool for understanding the social world
All about understanding that societies are reflections of the individuals within it
Individuals lives are shaped by social forces, so both affect each other.
Most of us believe that we control our destiny with the choices we make, but Mills said its not as simple as that.
He also called the ability to see the connection between personal troubles and social structures the SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION
What does Mills mean by “Personal Troubles, and Public Issues”?
PERSONAL TROUBLES are the private issues we have. (Within an individuals lives)
Unemployment, for example, is intensely personal. But if you dig deeper, it is a public issue too.
What are the Origins of the Sociological Imagination?
- Suggested the possibility of a science of society
- Try to EXPLAIN phenomenon, understanding based on EVIDENCE, not speculation.
- Suggested that people could intervene to improve society
- We could change things, we could demand greater quality and improve our world.
Ex. French revolution
- Presented social thinkers with social problems that required solution
- Movement of huge numbers of people from the countryside to the city, to take advantage of work opportunities in factories that we growing.
- Workers would work under long hours, bad conditions.
- People who left the countryside disconnected from their families in the country, and communities.
- Poverty shot up and was ridiculously high
- These were problems that required solution
The scientific revolution suggested that a science of society was possible. Democratic revolution suggested that people could intervene to improve society. The Industrial Revolution now presented social thinkers with a host of pressing social problems crying out for a solution.
Who were the Early Social Scientists?
Lived and worked during a time where there was A LOT going on (Revolutions). How industry was replacing agricultural life etc.
These changes affected what these scientists focused on, and they tried to explain what was going on around them.
These scientists helped lay down the foundations for later scientists.
It was later scientists who developed on their foundations and came up with social theory etc.
The names of the scientists are…
- Auguste Comte
- Emile Durkheim
- Karl Marx
- Max Weber
- Harriet Martineau
Who is Auguste Comte? (1798 - 1857)
He was one of the early social scientists
Responsible for coining the term “Sociology”. It was originally SOCIAL PHYSICS
We can actually go out in the scientific world, and study it. And uncover the laws in that social world.
Such laws can be used to understand Social Statics and Social Dynamics
SOCIAL STATICS - The principles by which social order is maintained
SOCIAL DYNAMICS - the factors that bring about and shape change
Emile Durkheim (1858 - 1917)
Emile Durkheim is from France, he is considered “The First Professor of Sociology”
Argued that human behaviour is shaped by SOCIAL FACTS (ways of acting, thinking or feeling that are external to individuals but that create constraints for individuals)
Ex. The expectations that come with the social roles that we occupy. Being a parent etc, and the responsibilities that come with it. They DIFFER from culture from culture. But in the individual, they affect them. And they have a huge impact on individuals.
Demonstrated that suicide rates varied with different degrees of social solidarity
1) Social solitary can be the extent to which people share common values and beliefs
2) Connections and connectives with other individuals
A degree of Social Solitary is a good thing, because it keeps people from taking their own lives.
At the EXTREMES is when people are vulnerable to suicide. When they are TOO CONNECTED, or NOT CONNECTED enough. It when its too much, or too little of one another.
Ex. Married couples have good social solitary
Altruistic: Soldiers who believe that the group is more important than the individual
Anomic: Lack of norms to guide people, there is no shared world code.
Egoistic: Those ties, relationships with others. Its the consequences of those connections, feeling isolated etc. Which makes them more vulnerable to suicide.
Karl Marx (1818 - 1883)
A German economist, also member of drinking society. Married a Russian, which many people questioned.
Viewed society in terms of conflict whereby advantage lies with those who are already advantaged
He was writing during the period of industrialization.
Marx saw the differences between the classes, the Haves, and the Have nots, he saw this as EXPLOITATION
He thought this was going to change, he believed that the workers (PROLETARIAT) were going to revolt.
Marx said that he thought the workers would develop CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS and demand change.
It was a radical, and revolutionary idea.
Advocated PRAXIS (Helping the exploited end their exploitation)
Max Weber (1864 - 1920)
Argued that capitalism did not develop solely due to economic forces (Ex. Protestant Ethic - How they all invested and saved their money properly)
Used the concept of VERSTEHEN (understanding something on its own terms, put your belief aside) to describe the goal of sociology.
Recognized that values and biases enter into the work that sociologists do and that pure objectivity is an illusion
Developed a particular interest in bureaucracy and how it came to dominate aspects of the social world
Wrote his works two or three decades after Marx died, was among the first to find flaws in Marx’s work.
He argued that many members of these occupations stabilize society because they enjoy higher status and income than do manual workers. Weber showed that class conflict is not the only driving force of history (Politics, religion are also important for historical change)
Harriet Martineau (1802 - 1876)
First women Sociologist
Her idea was that any analysis HAS to include women perspectives and ideas. Since women are a part of society too.
Advocated for voting rights and higher education for women as well as gender equality in the family
Was a good example as an EARLY FEMINIST
What is Social Theory?
Set of statements intended to explain a fact or phenomenon
Acts as a framework, to help make sense of what is happening in the world around you.
Theory and research needs to be used together.
If you have a bunch of theories, but no research or evidence, all you have is a bunch of “ABSTRACT IDEAS”
- Functionalism
- Conflict Theory
- Symbolic Interactionism
- Feminism Theory
Functionalism Theory
Roots in the work of DURKHEIM (His work laid down the framework for functionalism to be found)
Dominated from the 1930’s - 70’s
All of our parts of society (like a machine) need to work properly, in order for it to work.
Functionalist tend to refer to a “golden age” where things were “better”. They believe women should stay at home and work, and think families are typically boy - girl, and kids. ETC
MANIFEST: Intended and easily observed
DYSFUNCTIONS: Effects of social structures that create social instability)
LATENT: Unintended and less obvious
EX. Manifest function of schools is to transmit skill from one generation to the next. Latent function of schools is to encourage the development of a separate youth culture.
Conflict Theory
Has its roots in the works of MARX
Riches and poverty get passed on from generation to generation
Inequality can prompt change, if people decide that they’ve had enough
Is the conflict between the Haves, and the Haves Nots (Karl Marx)
If you lessen privilege, it’ll create better conditions for those at the bottom of the social hierarchy
This is a MACRO LEVEL THEORY, because this covers a broad range of people.
Symbolic Interactionism
Has its roots in the work of WEBER
Subjective meanings make social life possible
Perception is everything, we as individuals, act on the basis on how we subjectively experiences it.
We attach meanings to our interactions, and we attach meaning to our experiences
If we try to understand where other people are coming from (Their perspectives), that promotes tolerance
Micro Level Theory
-Our sense of style, develops through our interactions with each other.
-As we interact with others, it much like a play. We act in certain ways for certain audiences. The way we act at a job interview, is different when were with our significant others etc.
Feminist Theory
There is no one that “started” feminism
PATRIARCHY - A system of male dominance, and female subordination
We, as humans, created patriarchy. (Its a social construction)
Eliminating gender inequality would benefit all of society, not just women.
One theory is not better than the, sociologist use each differently.
Macro Level Theory