Chapter 1: Introducing Economics Flashcards
Anything from which individuals receive utility or satisfaction
The satisfaction one receives from a good.
Anything from which individuals receive disutility or dissatisfaction
The dissatisfaction one receives from a bad.
All natural resources, such as minerals, forests, water and unimproved land.
The physical and mental talents people contribute to the production process.
Produced goods that can be used as inputs for further production such as factories, machinery, tools, computers and buildings.
The talent that some people have for organising the resources of land, labor and capital to produce goods, seek new business opportunities and develop new ways of doing things.
The condition in which our wants are greater than the limited resources available to satisfy those wants.
The science of scarcity; the science of how individuals and societies deal with the fact that wants are greater than the limited resources available to satisfy those wants.
Three effects of scarcity:
- The need to make choices
- The need for a rationing device
- Competition
Rationing Device
A means for deciding who gets what of available resources and goods.
Opportunity Cost
The most highly valued opportunity or alternative forfeited when a choice is made.
Marginal Benefits
Additional benefits. The benefits connected with consuming an additional unit of a good or undertaking one more unit of an activity.
Marginal Costs
Additional Costs. The costs connected with consuming an additional unit of a good or undertaking one more unit of an activity.
Decisions at the Margin
Decision making characterised by weighing the additional benefits of a change against the additional costs of a change with respect to current conditions.
Exists when marginal benefits equal marginal costs.
Something that encourages or motivates a person to undertake an action.
Exchange (Trade)
The giving up of one thing for something else.
Ceteris Paribus
A Latin term meaning “all other things constant” or “nothing else changes”
An abstract representation of the real world designed with the intent to better understand it.
The process (used in building a theory) of focusing on a limited number of variables to explain or predict an event.
Four common economic categories
- Positive economics
- Normative economics
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
Positive Economics
The study of “what is” in economics
Normative Economics
The study of “what should be” in economics.
The branch of economics that deals with human behaviour and choices as they relate to relatively small units: an individual, a firm, an industry, a single market.
The branch of economics that deals with human behaviour and choices as they relate to highly aggregate markets or the entire economy.