Chapter 1: Intro Flashcards
Microeconomics deals with
- behaviour of decision makers (individuals, households + firms)
- operation of product, labour + capital markets
- interaction of individuals, households + firms in markets
According to Krugman, economies is defined as
the social science that studies production, distribution + consumption of goods + services
anything that can be used to produce something else; labour, land
pleasure/value gained from doing something
cost-benefit rule
take an action only if benefit is more or equal to the cost
what is given up by taking an action
Willingness to Pay (WTP)
max amount that a person is willing to pay to take an action or buy something
The 4 principles that govern how individuals make choices
- Choices are necessary because resources are scarce
- The True Cost of Something is Opp Cost
- How Much is a decision at the Margin
- People Respond to Incentives
Opportunity Cost
value of the next nbest alternative action/actions that could have been taken with resources used to take action x
explicit costs
costs that involve spending money
implicit cost
costs that don’t involve spending money but forgoing a benefit
Net Benefit Formula
NB = B=C
Marginal Decisions
how much of an action to take
Marginal Cost (MC)
incremental cost of doing a little more of an activity
Marginal Benefit (MB)
incremental benefit of doing a little more of an activity
something that encourages a person to take/not take an action
Define The invisible hand
The invisible hand is a term coined by Adam Smith that describes how people acting in their own interest often make choices that benefit society as well.