When did the Kaiser abdicate?
What was Wilson’s 14 points?
14 points in an attempt to create peace after WW1 in order to prevent another war and promote unity between the entente and Germany.
Who initiated the October Reforms?
Ludendorff initiated it and the Kaiser passed it.
What did the October Reforms effectively end?
The Kaiser’s autocratic rule.
What were the 3 reforms that Ludendorff initiated?
- Appointed Prince Max Von Baden as chancellor.
- The chancellor would be responsible for the new Reichstag in which he created a new government under the majority parties (SPD).
- Armed forces were put under the control of the civil government.
Why was the October Reforms a major change for Germany?
Germany was used to an autocratic rule under a monarchy.
What happened on the 3/10/1918?
Prince Max wrote to President Wilson asking for an armistice, in which he replied demanding Germany to democratise their political system.
How did the German people react to the Peace Note?
-Many were astonished that Prince Max was asking for a peace note as it was a shattering blow to their morale as it was a confirmation that they had lost the war while many Germans thought the opposite.
Why did the Peace note lead to the November Revolution?
-The German people now realised the truth of their country’s military situation, thus it undermined their respect for the Kaiser, the military and political leaders.
Who in particular despised the Peace Note and how did they create the November Revolution?
Soldiers and Sailors lost respect for their officers.
28/10/1918- German navy’s high command took part in an act of resistance against the humiliating peace, where they ordered ships to attack British ships in the English Channel. This order was not obeyed, hence resulting in a naval mutiny which was the beginning of revolutionary movement.
What happened on 3/11/1918?
Unrest at the naval base at Kiel where sailors went against their officers and took control of the base.
What happened as a result of the unrest at Kiel?
The revolt spread to the city where workers and soldiers councils were established.
The revolt also spread to many other ports and cities.
What did most members of the workers and soldiers councils want?
The Kaiser to abdicate and a democratic republic to be created.
What happened on 9/11/1918?
SPD called on workers to join a general strike in Berlin to force the Kaiser to abdicate. They threatened to lose support from Prince Max unless the Kaiser did not abdicate in 24 hours.
Prince Max then issued a press statement claiming that the Kaiser abdicated and later on he himself abdicated and passed his position as chancellor to Ebert the leader of the SPD.
Why did Ebert want to create a new constitution as soon as possible?
He was conscious of the fact that his government lacked legitimacy as he had gained power through a revolutionary act.
From the Far left to the Far right name the parties that were part of the Reichstag in 1918.
When was the first elections held for the new assembly?