Chapter 1: Health, Fitness, And Personal Training Flashcards
The study of the mechanical laws governing movement of living organisms
Chronic Diseases
Conditions lasting a year or more than limits daily activities and/or require ongoing medical attention
Training Effect
The body’s adaptation to the learned and expected stress imposed by physical activity
Resting Heart Rate (RHR)
The measure of heart rate when completely at rest
Blood Pressure
The force of blood pushing against the walls of two arteries during the two phases of the cardiac cycle
High blood pressure measuring more than 140/90 mm hg
Risk Factors
Variables associated with increased risk of disease or infection
An abnormal or excessive accumulation of bodyfat that may cause additional health risks
An articulation between two bones in the body
Firm, flexible connective tissue that pads and protects joints and structural components of the body
Strong, fibrous cords made of collagen that attach muscle to bone
All of the chemical processes that occur in the body to support life including converting food into energy
A condition characterized by an elevated level of glucose in the blood.
Heart Disease
A term used to describe several different heart conditions.
Short bands of tough but flexible fibrous connective tissue connecting two bones or cartilages or holding together a joint.