Chapter 1 - Getting Start w The Basics Flashcards
The home directory of the root user
Contains the Linux config files - files that control when and how programs start up
The user’s home directory
Where other filesystems are attached or mounted to the filesystem
Where CDs and USB devices are usually attached or mounted to the filesystem
Where application binaries (the equivalent of executables in Microsoft Windows or applications in macOS) reside
Where you’ll find libraries (shared programs that are similar to Windows DLLs)
Returns your location within the directory structure.
To move up one level in the file structure (towards the root)
cd ..
To move up two levels in the file structure (towards the root)
cd ../..
To move up three levels in the file structure (towards the root)
cd ../../..
Move up to the root level in the file structure
cd /
To get more information about the files and directories, such as their permissions, owner, size, and when they were last modified
ls -l
Show hidden files
ls -a
Three options for help?
Command for manual pages
man [command]