Chapter 1 Gateway 2&3 Flashcards
How are coastal areas valuable to people?
1) Provisioning services
2) Regulating services
3) Cultural services
4) Supporting services
Elaborate how provisioning services through coastal reefs benefit people.
1)Fish and seafood
Main dietary protein. Fishermen’s livelihood. Greenland earns 72% export income fish products.
Coastal bays and inlets provide sheltered harbours for vessels. Wave and tidal energy harness, converted into EE. TE potentially supply 3% of USA energy.
3) Building and ornamental materials
Mangrove wood build boats. Corals crushed, manufacture cement. Coral pieces souvenirs and ornaments.
Elaborate how regulating services through coastal areas benefit people.
1)Shoreline stabilization
Coral reefs& mangroves cause wave break& lose energy. Reduce impact of shoreline erosion, especially during storms& high tides. Stabilize shoreline by protecting existing shoreline.
2)Flood prevention
Wide sandy beaches help disperse water&reduce flooding risks. Sand dunes act as barriers prevent water advancing inland. Wetlands able contain substantial amt of water.
3)Storm&natural hazard protection
Coastline vegetated with mangroves absorb wave energy.
Elaborate how cultural services through coastal areas benefit people.
1) Recreational benefits.
Allow ppl relax, rejuvenate, be inspired. Swimming,sailing.
2) Aesthetics benefits
Attract tourists. Beauty of coast inspire ppl to draw and write, appreciate nature.
3) Spiritual Benefits
Eg tanah lot temple in Indonesia.
Elaborate how through costal areas are supporting serves beneficial.
Coastal ecosystems support production of ecosystem services. Sustain wide range of habitats.
Why are most coral reefs found in SEA?
The areas around SEA provide a fragile environment for survival of coral reefs.
How does wave energy play a role in affecting the survival of coral reefs?
Strong waves action increases likelihood of food and O2 supplies & prevents sediments from suffocating coral reefs.
Storm waves destructive to corals.
How does sedimentation play a role in affecting the survival of coral reefs?
Sediments may suffocate living corals.
How does temperature play a role in affecting the survival of coral reefs?
Optimum temperature of sea surface temperatures not lower than 17 or 17 degrees.
How does salinity play a role in affecting the survival of coral reefs?
Prefer average sea water salinities.
Lower salinity levels inhibit coral growth eg at mouths of rivers.
How does water depth play a role in affecting the survival of coral reefs?
Clear saline water between 10&60 meters deep allow sunlight to penetrate, triggering algae photosynthesis.
How does turbidity play a role in affecting the survival of coral reefs?
Levels of murkiness of water determined by amount or particles suspended in water.
High turbidity restricts sunlight penetration, algae can’t photosynthesis efficiently
Why do coral reefs play a crucial role in supporting natural ecosystems?
They allow wide range of creatures to breed and grow. Supports more than 25% of earths marine species.
Marine creatures living around reefs provide food for larger creatures
How do coral reefs absorb wave energy?
Causing them to break and lose energy, protecting adjacent land mass from erosion. However, during severe storms, coral reefs can be severely damaged. Recovery is slow, coasts prone to erosion.
Why are coral reefs valuable?
1) Supports ecosystem
2) Ability to absorb wave energy
3) Tourist attractions
3) Jewelley and ornaments.