Chapter 1 foundations of epi Flashcards
What are the six dimensions of health?
Physical, social, mental, emotional, spiritual, and environmental
What is epidemiology ?
The study of distribution & determinants related states or events in human populations & application
Why is Epidemiology the foundation of Public Health?
Because of its central role in carrying out 3 core public health functions
Epidemiology uses _____ to describe and analyze health-related states or events?
Scientific Method
Case definition
Standard criteria of diagnosis
The first disease case in the population is the ?
Primary case
The first disease case brought to the attention of the epidemiologist is the ?
Index Case
_________ ______ is those persons who become infected & ill after a disease has been introduced into a population & who become infected from contact with primary case
Secondary Case
Known Epidemiology triangle for Infectious Disease
____ is the cause of the disease?
________ is an organism, usually a human or animal that harbors disease
___________ includes those surroundings and conditions external to the human or animal that cause or allow disease transmission
_____ accounts for incubation periods, life expectancy of the host or the pathogen, and duration of the course of the illness or conditions
How can an epidemic be stopped?
When one of the elements of the triangle is interfered with altered, changed or removed from existence
Non living obj
An invertebrate animal capable of transmitting infectious agent among vertebrates
The habitat (living or non living) on which an infectious agent lives, grows, multiples, and is dependent on for its survival in nature
When an animal transmits a disease to human
_______ ______ direct physical contact such as touching with contaminated hands, skin to skin, kissing, sexual intercourse
Direct transmission
_________ ________ occurs when pathogens or agents are transferred or carried by some intermediate, organism, means, or process to a susceptible host resulting in disease
Indirect Transmission
Primary Prevention (occurs prior to exposure)
Media campaigns
warning labels
Active primary prevention requires behavior change on part of subject
Wearing protective devises
Health promotion
Lifestyle changes
Community health education
Ensuring healthy condition @ home/school/work
Passive primary prevention
( does not require behavior change)
Vitamin fortified foods
Fluoridation of public water supply
Secondary prevention
( occurs to reduce progress of disease)
The disease already exists in person
( cancer screening, regularly screenings)
Tertiary Prevention
( to reduce the limitation of disability from disease)
The disease has already occurred
Physical therapy for stroke victims
Halfway houses for recovering alcoholics
Shelter homes for the develop disabled
Fitness programs for heart attack patients