Chapter 1-Federalism Flashcards
How many and what types of government?
There are 87,000 and the types include state,city,county,school/special districts
Divides power between nation and state
Which government (state or federal) guarantees/creates local government?
Each state is responsible for and guarantees the local (city/county/special districts) in that state.
States can
- abolish(get rid of) and
- change the land boundaries of local governments.
This means CITY law cannot conflict with state or national laws.
Home rule
Dispersing (spreading) power.
1 multiple leadership verses single leadership
2 party competition (dem. vs rep.) allows for more opportunity to express views.
Executive Leadership structure: President Obama - federal level Governor Perry - state level Judge- county Mayor- city/metro area
Federal and state levels both have legislatures (senate & house)
Counties are run by a judge and 4 county commissioners.
Cities are usually run by mayors and city councils and possibly a city manager.
Federalism structure (with 87000 govt rather than all power centralized)
1 Increases participation
2 Allows for efficiency
3 Allows for policy innovation ( if 50 states do policy in their own ways, this allows flexibility to have innovative and creative policies/rules/law
4 Allows for policy responsiveness (more contact with the people at state and local level allows for faster response).
State and local policies cannot conflict with federal law supremacy
Local govt usually includes 2tiers: city and county.
What do local governments take care of?
Local/municipal/metro/city- this level is closer to those who live in that city and can efficiently and quickly respond to their needs: drivers license, police, fire, streets,buses, speeding tickets, ambulance, parks, libraries are run by each city. If live in suburbs or where no city, county provides the services.
Which level of government has Delegated or Enumerated powers?
Enumerated means listed or stated.
Which level of govt has IMPLIED (suggested) power? federal
The constitution DELEGATES/ENUMERATES federal power.
It also gives the Fed govt Implied power. While these powers are not stated, they are IMPLIED to flow from the powers that are stated.
Which amendment reserves power not delegated to the United States by the constitution, and not prohibited by the fed govt to give to the states, is Reserved for the state and it’s people.
10th amendment
what powers are denied to the states?
money and treaties.
They belong to the fed. govt.
powers denied to both feds and state- any laws that infringes on individual liberty of the people.
What is the full faith and credit clause?
States have to respect the govt actions/laws of other states. For instance, Tx does not allow gay marriage but has to respect the marriages of gays who move to texas from other states that allow it.
money flow from national govt to states/local govt.
Grants in aid- –aid restricted for a specific reason, matched by the receiver of the $, and voluntary. (Not all states will apply cuz don’t like to be told how to spend it or match it with state money).
Categorical Grants—fixed formula by Congress based on population. Category might be things like medicaid and food stamps.
Block Grants—states like these because they are given a block of money and they decide what to spend it on.
Eminent domain (5th amendment) Fed or state can take private property for a "public" purpose, even if the owner protests. When was it expanded by the US Supreme Court?
In 2005, it became ok for local city governments to use eminent domain. Each state sets the rules for local govts.Texas limits local govt from condemning/taking away property for economic development.