Chapter 1 - Family and Relationships Flashcards
What are the types of Sex?
Marital - Committed to each other
Consummated - Married and want to be in Holy Union
Unitive - Have sex to show their love
Adultery - Having sex when you are not married to them
Procreative - Having sex with intention of having children
Key quotes from ‘Theology of the Body’
“God loves each and every human being for his or her sake”
“God established marriage to bring two people together as a form of communion of persons”
“God created human beings as male and female. Both sexes have inherent dignity and value”
Pros and Cons for sex before marriage
Pros - Practise, Enjoyable,Brings you close
Cons - Pregnancy,STDs,Loses meaning
Pros and Cons for adultery
Pros - Enjoyable,may not have sex in your marriage,may not love your partner
Cons - get pregnant,damage people mentally,breaks trust
Pros and cons homosexuality
Pro - show your love,can support and understand partner as same gender,can love who you want
Cons - cant have children, god made us to procreate, God made man and women
What are the conditions for a valid marriage
Sign register,consummated,consent,free to marry,in right mind,in church,witnesses,be exclusive
What are the marriage vows
Better or for worse,richer or for poorer,have and to hold,love and to cherish,in sickness and in health,till death do us part
What is cohabitation and pros and cons
Cohabitation is when two people live together but aren’t married
Pro - Can decide if want marriage,can better relationships,save money
Cons - break sanctity of marriage,destroy sense of family,might lead to sex
What are the end of marriages
Separation - when remain married but don’t live together
Divorce - Legal not religious ending of marriage
Annulment - made marriage never occur religious and legal
What are the types of love
Storge - Love your family
Eros - Sexual love
Philos - Love your friends
Agape - love something or someone in a charitable way
What is the purpose of family?
Form a community
Support life and development
Share in the development of the wider society
Share in the life and mission of the church