Chapter 1: Embryology Flashcards
The urogenital system develops from _ .
intermediate mesoderm
The adrenal gland starts forming during the _#_ week.
Adrenal cortex is from _ .
For the adrenal gland, the zona _ and zona _ are present at birth.
glomerulosa fasciculata
For the adrenal gland, the zona _ is not established until 3 years of age.
reticularis Think of it as you don’t need sex hormones until your’re older.
The adrenal medulla is from _ .
neural crest cells (sympathetic ganglion)
The adrenal gland is located [within or outside of] Gerota’s fascia.
Because the adrenal gland is from a totally different embryologic origin than the kidney, renal _ or _ does NOT affect adrenal development and location.
agenesis malposition
Pronephros develops during the _#_ week.
Transient and nonfunctional A. Pronephros B. Mesonephros C. Metanephros
The pronephros develops _ toward the cloaca.
The pronephros disappears leaving behind the _ .
pronephric duct
The mesonephros is present during weeks _#_ - _#_ during development.
The mesonephros has _ function.
The mesonephros joins the pronephric duct to yield the _ which opens into the cloaca.
mesonephric duct (Wolffian duct)
The _ (aka METAnephric diverticulum) forms during week 5 via diverticulum off the mesonephric duct.
ureteric bud
There is an association between the clinical findings of an absent vas deferent and ipsilateral _ . The common problem is the _ .
renal agenesis mesonephric (Wolffian) duct
_ develop lateral to the mesonephric duct and gonads. They are critical for female reproductive organs.
Paramesonephric ducts
The metanephros is functional at week _#_.
Gonadal ridge →[_, _]→ Indifferent gonad
WT-1 SF-1
Indifferent gonad →[_, _]→ Testicle
Indifferent gonad →[_, _]→ Ovary
DAX-1 Wnt-9
The ureteric bud moves cranially and penetrates the _ .
metanephrogenic blastema
Ureteric bud gives rise to _, _, _, _.
ureter renal pelvis calices collecting tubules
Metanephrogenic blastema gives rise to the _ .
nephron (glomerulus, proximal tubule, loop of Henle, and distal tubule)
As the ureteric bud is branching near the cloaca, caudally it is absorbed into the _ .
genitourinary sinus (i.e. bladder)
The pelvic forming kidney ascends to the _ position and rotates in an orientation similar to that of the psoas muscle.
The _ is a common cavity with merging of genitourinary and intestinal systems.
The cloaca is distal _.
hind gut (endoderm)
By the week _#_, the cloaca is divided by the _ creating an anterior _ and posterior rectum.
7 urorectum septum urogenital sinus
The urogenital sinus start week _#_.
The urogenital sinus is divided into upper (_), pelvic (_,_) and phallic (_,_)
bladder prostatic urethra and entire female urethra genital tubercle, distal male urethra
The _ is the location where the Wolffian ducts fuse to the urogenital sinus.
Bladder development happens at week _#_-_#_
Trigone, ureteric orifice and ejaculatory ducts are derived from _ while the rest of the bladder is _.
mesoderm (mesonephros) endoderm (urogenital sinus)
The entire floor of the urethra in females is made of _.
Allantois becomes the _ around week 12, which becomes the _ in the adult.
urachus median umbilical ligament
_ of the urachus is seen at the dome of the bladder and is one of the few indications for partial cystectomy.
In females the _ regresses in response to a lack of testosterone and the _ persists to form the uterus, Fallopian tubes, and superior 1/3 of the vagina
mesonephric (Wolffian) duct paramesonephric (Mullerian) duct
During week 5, medial to the bilateral mesonephros, a gonadal ridge is formed from germinal epithelial cells and mesenchyme under the genetic influence of _ and _.
Wilms tumor (WT1) Steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1)
Primordial germ cells migrate into the mesenchyme forming _, thus the indifferent gonad is developed.
primary sex cords