Chapter 1- Data Types and Structures Flashcards
32-bit computer system
32-bit computer system a computer system with 32 bits of memory addresses
64-bit computer system
64-bit computer system a computer system with 64 bits of memory addresses
array a list of elements indexed by position. In most programming languages the first element has index zero.
Associative Array
associative array similar to an array; information is stored in key-value pairs
Binary File
binary file a computer-readable file, such as executable programs, images and sound
boolean a data type with one of two possible values, 0 and 1, usually referred to as False and True, respectively
Camel Case
camel case a naming convention in programming where each word or abbreviation after the first in a phrase begins with a capital letter; there are no spaces or punctuation
Case Sensitive
case-sensitive a program’s ability to distinguish between upper-case and lower-case letters
character a data type representing any single meaningful unit, such as a letter, a number, a punctuation mark, a symbol, or even a space
Character Encoding
character encoding a code that allows a computer program to interpret binary digits (0s and 1s) into meaningful units representing characters and numbers. For example, ASCII, UTF and Unicode are types of character encoding.
child element any sub-element of a parent element in an XML file
class a program code template for creating objects in object-oriented programming languages
collision when two di4erent input values to a hashing function output the same hash value
constraint a restriction on what can and cannot occur in the creation of a software solution, external to the solution itself
CSV a comma-separated value file, which is a delimited file, separated by commas
Data Dictionary
data dictionary a set of information that describes elements within software, such as external to the solution itself
Data Structure
data structure a method of organising data to allow particular operations to be performed on them efficiently
Data Type
data type a method of classifying a variable to determine the data that variable can contain, as well as how that variable can be manipulated
Delimited File
delimited file a text file where data values are separated by a programmer-selected character
delimiter the character used to separate data values in a delimited file
dequeue removing and returning a value from the start of a queue
dictionary an associative array, also referred to as a map or symbol table
enqueue inserting a value at the end of a queue
field a single data item in a record, e.g. FamilyName
first in first out (FIFO) the first element in a queue is the first element out of the queue
Floating Point
floating point computer representation of real numbers, with decimal places
Hard Coding
hard-coding to include fixed data in a program that cannot be changed during run-time and can only be changed by modifying the program source code
Hash Function
hash function a function that takes a key value and returns another, related, value that is normally smaller than the original value