Chapter 1 COPY Flashcards
Church of San Miniato al Monte, Florence, Italy, 1062-1150 [“Romanesque”]
This work of art is special because of it’s half-showing pillars, particularly used as decoration and seen in Roman buildings. Specific to “Romanesque,” there are archways that stand on the pillars. Geometric designs form on the fassad of the building. On the archways there is a second temple. The roof is designed with practicality in mind because of the slope, allowing rain to easily drain off. If the building is rebuilt, the east side would be rebuilt and the rest left in the older style. The public could be in the front end of the building, but the back was reserved for priests only. The small window is called a “nave” and thought of as a refuge.
West Façade, Chartres Cathedral (The Cathedral of Notre-Dame).
West façade begun c. 1134; cathedral rebuilt after a fire in 1194; building continued to 1260; north spire 1507–1513..
- rose window: stained glass punched into the wall and glazed.most vivid and deep colbalt blue.
- Building inside is a vivid blue. One was rebuild because of fires. Was rebuilt much more intricately and lacy.
The Annunciation to the Shepherds, vault [arched stone ceiling] painting, Pantheon de los Reyes, Leon [Spain], c. 1160
- vault ceiling, painted in palace of governor
- something always right side up
- sheperd going to blow horn
viking raiders, from the illuminated manuscript,
Life of St Aubin, Abbaye de Saint-Aubin, painted with tempera on parchment, French, c.1100
-memory image, made 100 years after vikings came into england, ireland, scotland.

Roma RM, Italy. 315 AD
- allowed people to worship in a christian manner.
- Became a christian, prayed at battle for christ to help him, men all hate chyro symbol and he won.
- 3 emperors considered noble: Hadrian, Trajan, and Narcus Aurelius all thought patrons of art that want naturalistic.

Portrait of Constantine
- Someone who comissioned statues of himself. 30 ft tall and watched over everything
- Had a big toe to sit on
- Known for head and eyes being very big.
- Beak nose appeared and re-appeared.

Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus ca. 359. Marble 3’ 10” x 8
- Christians were middle class so the rich romans became christians on their death bed.
- Placed on the tomb of St. Peter
- check notes
mausoleum of galla placidia
- box on woman galla p.
- lost husband to war, marries enemies leader, children
blind arcade, voussoirs, pediment, 4 equal arms (greek cross), tile roof (terra cotta)
- building sunk
- bricks not like ancient roman: thin walls, these are thick, imported from N. Part of italy (orientation not to alps but just norther italy.

- burial ground
- one mosaic from burial ground is christ/helios (sun god)
- point: identified well what is going on (Category art that can have several interpretations.

Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus
• Rome
• Ca. 359
• Marble
• Junius was a wealthy roman who became a Christian on his death bed
• Adam and Eve, Christ, Daniel in the lions den, sacrifice of Isaac and Job are all
portrayed on the coffin
• Top row is Greek, bottom row is roman
• Shells for symbols of eternal life are shown
• The people are distorted- large heads
• The top row of columns are protruding out to symbolize triumph (over death in
this case)
• Iconpgraphy- to find deeper meaning in works of art

The miraculous revelation of the relics of St.
• Mosaic
• South west pier below the central dome of bacilica of St. Marco in
• C.1260
• Dux means duke
• The relics were hidden in the column
• The heads on are on the same plane and the arches are resting on
• Practically glows due to the gold underlay on the glass tiles and the

Cont. the interior
• Glass mosaic everywhere besides the floor and lower wall
• The book case says Matthew Mark Luke and John
• The good shepherd is also shown surrounded by sheep
• Vaulted
• ceilings

Mausoleum of Galla Placidia
• Ravenna
• 425-450 CE
• Greek cross style with 4 equal protruding arms
• Terracotta tile roof
• Small windows because the building was used as an oratory (for prayer)
• The windows are made with alabaster stone with is sheer
• The building has sunken down due to soft ground
• The bricks are thick unlike the thin roman brick, most likely brought in from
northern Italy

Santa Costanza
• Rome
• Ca.337-351
• 12 pairs of columns to represent the 12 disciples
• Ambulatory is the circular walk way
• 4 niches for the north, south, east, and west
• Part of a tablature makes a transition between the rounded columns and the square ends of the
• Stone mosaic on the vaulted ceilings in the ambulatory
• Putti- little mischievous nude boys
• Putti are making wine
• Syncretic- legitimate from two points of view:: the grapes being made into wine can be seen as
Jesus’s blood for the masses or a summer day
• Mystery portrait in the mosaic

Suicide of Judas and crucifixion Christ
• Ca.420
• Classical style of people
• Longinus- his job was to pierce Jesus’s sides to ensure death:: the
blood spilled on him and he was healed of near blindness
• Judas has bags of silver under his feet
• Birds in the tree to symbolize life for Jesus
• Plaque from a box
• Ivory