Chapter 1: Computer Systems Flashcards
Computer system
All the parts that make a computer work, including the hardware, software and data. This may not be a traditional computer.
e.g. holiday booking, car engine management, washing machine, satnav, ATM at cash points, travel card (e.g. Oyster card)
What does the computer do with input?
Input –> Process –> Output ( + Storage)
Computer systems are based on processing data, and producing information.
An electronic, programmable data processing machine.
A collection of parts that work together for some defined purpose.
How have computers improved our lives?
- Better quality manufacturing (more accurate, and consistent)
- Cheaper manufacturing (no wage, and constantly working)
- Faster access to information (jobs can be done quicker)
- Better decision making (more informed as facts organised, and available)
- New ways of doing business (online, more choice, cheaper)
- New ways of communicating (email, SMS, mobile phones)
General purpose system (type of computer system)
Personal computers (desktops, laptops, notebooks, tablets, smart phones) are designed to perform multiple tasks. Various applications (apps) can be loaded for more purposes.
Dedicated system (type of computer system)
Specially produced to perform a single functions, or set of functions e.g. ticket vending machines at a train station can not be used for any other purpose.
Control system (type of computer system)
Computer systems that control machinery (e.g. industrial robots, robots used for accurate surgery), rather that produce output for humans to read, or respond to. They are important in manufacturing processes, but are increasingly part of household gadgets.
Embedded system
A computer system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical, or electrical system e.g. engine management system
Embedded systems are often control systems.
Examples: digital watches, satnav, cameras, MP3 players, traffic lights, machinery controllers in factories.
Embedded systems can be very simple, or highly complex e.g. avionics system in aircraft. Most cars now have up to 50 computer systems (e.g. fuel flow, window control, cruise control, and fault management).
How many computer systems do most cars now have?
50 computer systems.
They look after a variety of things such as fuel flow, window control, cruise control, and fault management.
Expert system
A computer system that is designed to behave like a human expert.
The knowledge that they uses must be inputted first.
They have three component parts:
1) A knowledge base ( a database of facts)
2) An inference engine (software that makes deductions using the knowledge base)
3) An interface (to allow a human user to access the system)
Common uses: diagnosing diseases, finding faults in machinery, choosing complex products (mortgages, insurance policies), suggesting purchases to consumers, making credit checks.
Management information system
A computer system that brings together the information from all parts of an organisation so that managers can make sensible decisions.
They cover technology, data, and people.
They typically produce regular reports based on the organisation’s data.
Examples: used by middle management to support day-to-day decision making, produce reports about the organisation’s strategy, automate workflow, maximise the efficiency of data movement, school administration, teaching, and learning.
Computers are central to a lot of what we do, they must be reliable.
Life-or-death: aircraft navigation, and control; railway signalling, and medical situations.
Medical: record keeping, diagnosis of diseases, CAT scans, drug interactions; use of search engines, and expert systems to check symptoms; robotic, or remote surgery; and DNA sequencing.
Mistakes can lead to down time, expensive errors, data loss, and compromised privacy.
Data integrity
Data must always be accurate, and consistent. It must reflect the real-world reality, They normally have rules that prevent inconsistent changes being made to underlying data.
Can be compromised by: human error in entry, errors when data is transmitted between computed, software bugs; viruses, and other malware; hardware malfunctions, and natural disasters.
Ways to reduce risks to data: Backing up data regularly, controlling access to data via security mechanisms, using validation rules to prevent the input of invalid data; and using error detection, and correction software when transmitting data.
Reliability, and testing. Why can testing never be complete?
Reliability is improved through testing. The purpose of testing is to uncover errors.
Testing can never be complete as
- Software is so complex
- Testing is expensive
- Testing is time consuming
There are huge numbers of pathways through most sodern systems so there are usually errors in even the most extensively tested systems.
A standard refers to convention, or rules. They are normally defined by a responsible organisation.
In computing there are many for different things: programming languages, operating systems, data formats, communication protocols, electrical interfaces…
Originally there were no standards, but they are important as they:
- Enable devices to be inter-operable between brands.
- Make learning new systems easier as they have similar characteristics.
- Minimise waste.
- Help to ensure fair play, and access to markets.
- Bring costs down by opening markets to competition.
De facto standards
Standards that have developed over time due to common usage. They become important as they ensure that files, and systems can be used by everyone e.g. PostScript, the QWERTY keyboard, and Microsoft Word.
De jure standards
‘De jure’ means ‘by law’. These are de facto standards that have become so universally accepted that it is impossible to communicate without them e.g. ACSII, PDF, Unicode.
Proprietary standards
Standards that are created, and owned by an organisation. They ensure the compatibility between all of the company’s products, and can be used to reduce competition with rival products e.g. Apple computures lock users into using Apple software.
Proprietary standards are often widely used, but they are not approved by an independant standards body e.g. Windows is a software owned by Microsoft. It forces developers that want to sell to Windows users to comply with Microsoft’s conditions. It also means that they all have the same visual effect.
Industry standards
Standards that are set by non-commercial organisations.
- ANSI (Americal National Standards Institute) sets standards for some programming languages.
- ISO (International Standards Organisation)
Open standards
Features of open standards:
- Publically available
- Produced collaboratively by a community
- Not dominated by one interest group
- Not for profit, and available free of charge (or at a small cost)
- Allows interoperability between developers.
Ensures that access to resources is not dependant upon:
- a single application
- a particular hardware platform
Examples: HTTP, HTML, WAP, SQL
Alpha testing
When developers test a system.
Beta testing
When customers test a system.
Failover mechanism
Mechanisms that switch on backup systems in the case of a disaster. They can be described as fault-tolerant.
Data protection act
Data must:
- Be processed fairly, and lawfully.
- Be obtained for a specified, and lawful purpose, and be used accordingly.
- Be limited to the specified data, be accurate, and be up to date.
- Only be kept as long as necessary for the purpose.
- Be kept securely.
- Not be transferred outside the EU.
Gaining unauthorised access.
Trying to con you out of your personal details e.g. email, credit cards.
A program someone has written to cause damage.
Malicious software.
Computer misuse act (1990)
It is ilegal to:
- Gain unauthorised acces to computer material.
- Gain unauthorised access with the intent to commit, or facilitate a crime.
- Gain unauthorised modification of computer material.
- Make, supply, or obtain anything which can be used in computer misuse offences.
Intellectual property
Almost 50% of all software is copied. This costs 1000s of jobs, and billions of £s in revenue.
Intellectual property is protected by the Copyright, Designs, and Patents act. It makes it illegal to copy music, images, or photographs from the web, or text for use in your own work.
How do you patent something?
You have to apply to the Patent office.
You patent something if you are the first to invent it/
How do you copyright something?
Write it on e.g. Copyright of John Smith 2015
Why do you need to dispose of computer hardware properly?
It contains various toxic substances.
Toxic substances in computer hardware, and their impacts on the environment
- Lead (PCB soldering, CRT monitor screens)
Toxic to humans, plants, and animals. - Arsenic (transistors, and PCBs)
Damage to skin, and nervous system, and can cause lung cancer.
-Mercury (sensors, and switches)
Can cause chronic brain damage
-Plastics inc. PVC (cabling, and computer cases)
Connected to various cancers.
Valuable substances in computer hardware, and how to recycle them
Sustance: Use:
Copper Circuit boards, and wiring
Gold Circuit boards, and in connectors
Metals (Zn, Mercury) Reduces demand on new sources
Plastic Recyclable (reduces petroleum demand)
How can you reduce the amount of energy that computer systems use?
- Virtual servers that reduce the number of physical servers in a data centre.
- Solid state storage that uses less energy than rotating disks.
- Automatic standby switching that turns computers off when they are not in use.
- Laying out eqiupment so that it can be cooled efficiently.
- Setting the air conditioning at an optimum level- not too low.
- Modern screens that are less energy intensive than old CRT monitors.