Chapter 1 - Beliefs About Babies Flashcards
Continuous Development
Characterization of development as a gradual, smooth process of change.
Biological factors influencing development
Environmental and experimental factors influencing development.
The interaction of genes with each other and with the organism’s internal and external environment to produce developmental outcomes, such as new structures, behaviours, and abilities.
Literary Evidence
Written information, including parents’ diaries and letters, childrearing advice written by ministers and doctors, and children’s books.
Quantitative Archival Evidence
Official Sources of written information and data, including census data, tax records, and legislative and court records.
Material Culture
Physical evidence, such as toys, clothing, furniture, and works of art.
Infant Mortality Rate
Number of deaths per 1000 live births, usually reported with reference to the age of 1 year.
Why do we study infants?
- Development as transformation
- Impact of early life experience
- Research methods and tools
- Interdisciplinary collaboration.