Chapter 1 Basic Biology: The Cell Flashcards
A cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living beings.
A cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living thing
Study of cell is called?
Cell was discovered by?
Robert Hooke
name the 3 scientists and there year of observation.
cell theory
M.J Schleiden in 1838
Theodar Schwann in 1839
Rudolf Virchow in 1856
points of the cell theory
- Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of a living organism. Vital functions occor within teh cell
- All living organisms are made up of one or more cells
- New cells arise from pre existing cells
- All cells contain hereditry info
Unicellular organisms
Made up of only one cell
eg. Yeast, Ameoba, Bacteria, etc
Multicellular organisms
Made up of severalcells
eg. Animals ,Plants ,etc
Unit of cell measurment and conversion
- Micron
- 1 micron = 1/1000millimeter
Diameter of the smallest cells of bacteria
0.1 to 0.15 micron in diameter
Nerve cell of an elephant
Can be as long as 3 meter
Measurment of a hens and ostrichis egg {yolk part}
- Hens Yolk measures upto 3 cm
- ostrich yolk can measure upto 8 cm
Shape of human WBC
Amoeboid shape
Shape of
Nerve cell
Shape of
Muscle cell
Long and contractile . They can also be cylindrical or spindle shaped