Chapter 1: Basic Assessing Practices Flashcards
Assessing is defined as…
- Estimating the value of property for taxation purposes.
- To set or determine the amount of tax or fine.
- To charge a person or property with a special payment as a tx or fine.
- To appraise or evaluate.
What is tax day?
December 31st
Assessing officers duties include what 8 things?
- Discovery
- Inventory
- Classify
- Estimate
- Calculate
- Prepare
- Notify
- Defend/Support
What is Discovery?
Locating and identify all taxable property
What do Assessors determine?
Assessors determine value of property not tax.
What are the 5 classifications of Property
Residential Agricultural Commercial Industrial Timber-Cutover
What is Situs
Situs i s the specific location of property as of tax day.
What is Property Tax
Property tax is an ad volorem tax, meaning tha the tax is levied according to the value of property.
What is assessed value and state equalized value?
50% of the market value
What is capped value?
A value based on the prior year’s taxable value.
What is taxable value?
The lessor of state equalized value or capped value.
One Mill =
One Mill is equal to 1/1000 of a dollar ($0.001)
What is the capped value formula?
(prior year’s taxable value - losses) x CPI + additions = Capped Value
What is CPI?
CPI is Consumer Price Index or Rate of Inflation (this changes each year)
What are the three approaches to value?
- Cost
- Sales
- Income
What so the final step in value estimate?
Reconciliation give the final opinion of value.