Chapter 1 and Gilgamesh Flashcards
- King of Uruk
- traveled with enkidu
- Conflicting character
- heroic/courageous - defeated humbaba, bull of heaven, and made it through the tunnel to Utnapishtim
- becomes a better person as the book goes on and he goes on adventures
- searching for eternal life
- created by Aruru to help Gilgamesh be less of a tyrant
- went on many adventures w/ Gilgamesh
- Gilgamesh’s best friend
- defeated humbaba and bull of heaven
- killed off by the gods
- Goddess of love and war
- seen as a dark side/ bad
- heroic qualities:
- courage
- bravery
- respective - Gilgamesh was a hero in many ways but was a villain in others
- guardian of the cedar forest
- wields a lot of power
- defeated by Gilgamesh
- a survivor of the flood
- granted eternal life
- helps Gilgamesh
Natural selection
- the best people survive
- “survival of the fittest”
- better evolution
Homo Ergaster
- earliest humans
- originated in africa
- 150,000 years ago
- in 50,000 years they evolved into modern homo sapiens
Blombos Caves
- had engravings and paintings
- artifacts
- root
- man or human
before Christ
before common era
anono domini - after birth
common era
- east Africa
- 4 million years ago
- physical appearance changed + adapted
before written records
a methodical study of evidence of the human past
- has to be recorded evidence
study of past cultures + civilizations through artifacts
- archaeologists are crucial to the study of human societies existing before recorded history
- norm a group follows
- behavior of a group
- traditions
systematic study of history
Civilization (defining characteristics)
the stage of human social + cultural development and organizational that is considered most advanced
- technology
- agriculture
- religion
studies humans as a species instead of a special aspect of their activity
Primary/secondary source
primary source - first-hand or contemporary take of an event or topic
- artifacts, photos, videos,
speeches, letters/newspapers
secondary source - created later by someone who didn’t experience it firsthand
- encyclopedia, dictionary, article, biography, essay
- branch of anthropology
- focused on development of early humans
Paleolithic Age
first tool-making <–> 10000 BCE
- humans inhabited all continents except Antarctica
- hunters and foragers –> life was not easy
- least warfare time
Neanderthal Man
- closest ancient human relative (extinct)
- in the homo family
- first human group before actual humans (homo sapiens)
Neolithic Age
agriculture and livestock breeding
- breakthrough to more complex forms of society
- people started using agriculture more than hunting
- private property was dependent on food production
Agricultural Revolution (C/E)
New farming techniques and improved livestock breeding –> more food production
- better civilizations had more food
a society/government ruled by women
- mother is the head of the family
- single parent family
a society ruled by men
- father/oldest male is head of family
- men hold power
- women are excluded from it
Catal Huyuk
- neanderthal city
- settlement
world shifted –> became warmer + drier
- humans settled near bodies of water
- population increased
Venus/Aphrodite of Willendorf
- statue of goddess
- symbolizes fertility
- prosperity
Division of labor/specialization
- each person has something to specialize in for agriculture
- some farmed potatoes, some farmed fruit, etc
Bronze Age
- everyone wanted bronze
- using copper, but bronze was better
- bronze was hard to get / expensive
Iron Age
- 2nd metal “trend”
- used in tools
- much easier to get / more common
Irrigation Civilizations- where, rivers?
- civilization by water for crops + agriculture
- Mesopotamia + Egypt
excess material/stuff
- during agriculture revolution
- domesticated plants and animals
Jared Diamond
- writer of the “Worst Mistake in the Human Race” essay
- believed that agriculture was the wrong choice and humans should’ve stayed nomads/hunter-gatherers
Agrarian civilization- trends
- primarily rural societies
- villages + few cities - based on peasant agriculture + livestock breeding
- relied on farming + hearding - ppl maintained life in balance with their natural environment
- survival and abilities depend on
understanding nature - religion was based heavily on gods and spirits that controlled their natural environment
- humans relied on food - relied on
spirit to help with food quantity - their religion emphasized ritual and sacrifice as ways to control the deities and trying to interpret their will
- rituals to gods to win better
farming conditions - relied on religious specialists to communicate with the gods
- they believed time to be cyclic
- their social values emphasized kinship + the clan
Genomics and Human Migration
analysis of genomic data (Modern or Ancient)
- how genetics were mixed among various groups
Genetic markers
- scientists can trace back to generations when the mutation occurred
- tracing back further and further –> scientists had discovered a human race
XX = female
XY = male
define and determine genetics
DNA testing/types
A,T,C, and G
DNA tests and scientists can see genetics
Do the themes of the Epic of Gilgamesh have connections to today
- bravery (beasts)
- greed and success (immortality)
- friendship (Enkidu)
Does the Epic of Gilgamesh demonstrate that ancient Mesopotamians respected women
- fertility
- goddess had a lot of power
- Gilgamesh valued women’s opinions