Chapter 1 : Ancient India Flashcards
The English word ‘history’ comes from which Greek word?
historia, meaning “inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation”.
History is further divided into pre-history, proto-history, and history. What are those?
Events occurring before the invention of writing are considered the domain of pre- history, which is generally represented by the three stone ages. Defining proto-history is rather difficult as it has different connotations. Generally, it refers to a period between prehistory and history, during which a culture or civilisation has not yet developed writing but are mentioned in the written records of a contemporary literate civilisation. For example, the script of the Harappan civilisation remains undeciphered; however, since its existence is noted in Mesopotamian writings, it is considered a part of proto-history. The study of the past after the invention of writing and the study of literate societies based on the written and archaeological sources constitutes history.
Who are credited with the greatest contribution to study of Indian Pre history?
Robert Bruce Foote, who discovered what was probably the first palaeolithic tool discovered in India — the Pallavaram handaxe. Later, he discovered a large number of pre-historic sites in South India. The contribution of Sir Mortimer Wheeler is equally significant, as his efforts greatly contributed towards our knowledge of
the pre-historical cultures of India and their sequence.
On the basis of geological age, the type and technology of stone tools, and subsistence base, the Indian Stone Age is classified primarily into three types. What are they?
- Old stone Age, Palaeolithic Age (5,00,000−10,000 BCE) • Late Stone Age, Mesolithic Age (10,000−6000 BCE)
- New Stone Age, Neolithic Age (6,000−1000 BCE)
Palaeolithic Age: When was it?
The Palaeolithic Age is the earliest period of the Stone Age, which developed in the Pleistocene period or the Ice Age.
Old stone Age, Palaeolithic Age (5,00,000−10,000 BCE)
Palaeolithic Age: Where was it seen in India?
It was spread in practically all parts of India except the alluvial plains of the Indus and Ganga.
Palaeolithic Age: Describe the Palaeolithic man if India?
The Palaeolithic man of India are said to have belonged to the Negrito race and lived in caves and rock shelters.
Man, during this period, used tools of unpolished, undressed rough stones — mainly hand axes, cleavers, choppers, blades, burin, and scrapers. Since the stone tools were made of a hard rock called ‘quartzite’, Palaeolithic men are therefore also called
‘Quartzite men’ in India.
Palaeolithic Age: Why were Palaeolithic men called Quartzite Men?
the stone tools were made of a hard rock called ‘quartzite’
Palaeolithic Age: What were the types of tools used in this age?
Man, during this period, used tools of unpolished, undressed rough stones — mainly hand axes, cleavers, choppers, blades, burin, and scrapers. Since the stone tools were made of a hard rock called ‘quartzite’, Palaeolithic men are therefore also called
‘Quartzite men’ in India.
Palaeolithic Age: What are the three phases according to the nature of stone tools used?
- Early or lower Palaeolithic (5,00,000 BCE−50,000 BCE): use of hand axes, choppers and cleavers mainly for chopping, digging and skinning.
- Middle Palaeolithic (50,000 BCE −40,000 BCE) : Use of stone tools made of flakes, mainly scrapers, borers, points and blade like tools.
- Late or Upper Palaeolithic (40,000 BCE−10,000 BCE) : parallel sided blades, burins and some instances of bone tools
Palaeolithic Age: Where are the evidences of 3 phases of Palaeolithic Age found?
- Early or lower Palaeolithic : Found in Soan and Sohan river valley (now in Pakistan), Kashmir, Thar Desert (Didwana, Rajasthan), Hiram Valley (Gujrat), rock shelters of Bhimbetka (Madhya Pradesh), and Belan Valley Mirzapur (Uttar Pradesh).
- Middle Palaeolithic : Found in Soan, Narmada and Tungabhadra river valleys, Potwar Plateau (between Indus and Jhelum), Sanghao Cave (near Peshawar, Pakistan)
Which of the Indian Stone Age periods belong to Pleistocene Period and which to Holocene period?
Pleistocene Period : Palaeolithic Age
Holocene Period : Mesolithic and Neolithic Age
Mesolithic Age: Describe its key feature.
One of the key aspects of the Mesolithic Age was the reduction in size of well-established tool types. The characteristic tools of this age were microliths (miniature stone tools usually made of crypto-crystalline silica, chalcedony, or chert, both of geometrical and non-geometrical shapes). They were not only used as tools in themselves but also to make composite tools, spearheads, arrowheads, and sickles after hafting them on wooden or bone handles.
Mesolithic Age : Describe the Mesolithic Man.
Mesolithic man lived on hunting, fishing, food gathering, and in later stages, also domesticated animals.
Mesolithic Age: Pottery
Pottery is absent at most Mesolithic sites, but it is present at Langhnaj in Gujarat and in the Kaimur region of Mirzapur (UP).
Mesolithic Age : Rock Art
The Mesolithic era initiated rock art in pre-history.
In 1867, the first rock paintings in India were discovered at Sohagighat (Kaimur Hills, UP).
Now, over 150 Mesolithic rock art sites have been discovered across India, with rich concentration in Central India such as the Bhimbetka Caves, Kharwar, Jaora, and Kathotia (M.P.), Sundargarh and Sambalpur (Orissa), Ezhuthu Guha (Kerala).
Animals dominate the scenes at most Mesolithic rock art sites. However, no snakes are depicted in Mesolithic Paintings.
Burials and rock paintings give us ideas about the development of religious practices and also reflect the division of labour on the basis of gender.
Mesolithic Age : What some important Mesolithic sites?
- Bagor, Rajasthan on River Kothari is one of the largest and best documented Mesolithic sites in India.
- Chhotanagpur Region, Central India. Both Adamgarh, M.P. and Bagor provide the earliest evidence for the domestication of animals
- South of River Krishna, Tinnevelly in TamilNadu
- Birbhanpur in West Bengal
- Sarai Nahar Rai,near Allahabad, Pratapgarh area
- Mahadaha, U.P., where bone artifacts are found, including arrowheads and bone ornaments.
Neolithic Age : Why was it also termed as Neolithic Revolution by V. Gordon Childe?
Neolithic Age comprised of lots of innovations such as :
- Advent of food production - cultivated food (fruits, corn, ragi and horse gram(kulathi)) & domesticated cattle, sheep’s and goats.
- Innovation in technology- innovated stone tools such as polished, pecked and ground stone tools. Polished stones like celts were used instead of quartzite.
- Innovation in Pottery- first made by hand followed by potter’s wheel. Black burnished ware, grey ware and mat impressed ware.
- Emergence of self sufficient villages- round and rectangle houses made of mud and reed; development of boats; ability to spin cotton and wool and finally weaving cloth.
- Division of labour based on sex and age.