Chapter 1 – An Invisible World Flashcards
Define: Microorganisms/Microbes
Very small organisms, many types of microbes are to small to see without a microscope, although some parasites and fungi are visible to the naked eye.
What was Thucydides contribution to microbiology?
He observed that survivors of the Athenian plague were not re-infected—showing and understanding of immunity.
Marcus Terentius Varro proposed…
things we cannot see (microbes) can cause disease.
Accomplishment of Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in microbiology
First to develop a lens powerful enough to view microbes (“animalcules”).
Accomplishments of Louis Pasteur in microbiology
- fermentation caused by microbes
- invented pasteurization
- created a rabies vaccine
- swan neck flask experiments disproving spontaneous generation theory
- discovered enantiomers (mirror images of chiral molecules) via optical rotation experiments.
Accomplishments of Robert Koch in microbiology
- identified the microbes that cause anthrax, cholera, and tuberculosis.
- developed solid media, Petri dish, steam sterilization
- “Postulates” to confirm the infectious nature of diseases
Explain Robert Koch’s postulates
1) The same microbe are present in every case of the disease.
2) The microbes are isolated from the tissues of a dead animals, and a pure culture is prepared.
3) Microbes from the pure culture are inoculated into a healthy, susceptible animal. The disease is reproduced.
4) The identical microbes are isolated and recultivated form the tissue specimens of the experimental animal.
Define taxonomy
The classification, description, identification, and naming of living organisms.
Describe Linnaeus’s taxonomy
three kingdoms- animal, plant, and mineral (later abandoned mineral kingdom). In animal and plant kingdoms grouped organisms by kingdom, class, order, family, genus, and species.
Define Phylogenies
taxonomies that took into account the evolutionary relationships of all different species of organisms on earth. depicted by a phylogenetic tree (tree of life)
Who proposed the kingdom Protista for unicellular organisms?
Ernst Haeckel
Who proposed the kingdom of Monera for unicellular organisms whose cells lack nuclei?
Ernst Haeckel
Who proposed the fungi kingdom?
Robert Whittaker
Who categorized the kingdoms into super kingdoms (eukaryotes and prokaryotes)?
Robert Whittaker
Who organized the phylogenetic tree into domains(Bacteria, Achaea, Eukarya)?
Carl Woese and George Fox
What are the current domains of the phylogenetic tree?
Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Eucaryotes
How were the modern domains of the phylogenetic tree categorized?
16S rRNA sequencing divided the organisms into domains all coming from a common ancestor.
Define binomial nomenclature
a two-word naming system for identifying organisms by genus and species
What is the proper format of binomial nomenclature?
(all italicized) Genus species
What is the range of light microscope?
greater than or equal to 100 nm
What is the range of an electron microscope?
0.5 nm - 1 um
What is the typical size of bacteria
~1-2 um
What is the typical size of yeast?
~3-4 um
What is the size range of viruses
~10 nm - 500 nm (very few that large)
What is the size range of a protein?
~5 nm - 10 nm