Chapter 1 America: A Unique Nation Flashcards
What does Proverbs 14:34 say exalts a nation?
“Righteousness exalteth a nation: But sin is a reproach to any people.”
Proverbs 14:34 KJV
What is the reason for our nation’s success?
The reason for our nation’s greatness over the past 200 years has been the character of her people
What must a people do to be righteous?
For people to be righteous they must think righteously. Righteous thinking is acquired by reading God’s word and applying what it says.
What is the foundation for our behavior?
Our character is the foundation of our behavior.
What two aspects of work did the Puritans stress?
The Puritans stressed that work is a gift from God and a means of glorifying Him.
Why did the Founding Fathers give a government of limited power?
America’s Founders gave her a government of limited power, in part, because they feared tyrannical government.
Explain the words of Calvin Coolidge quoted about the need for vigilance. “The meaning of America is not to be found in a life without toil. Freedom is not only bought with a great price; it is maintained be unremitting effort.”
Every freedom we possess, we have because someone else sacrificed for us to have it. Many of the freedoms we have today we did not pay for; they were bought by the fortunes and even the lives of others. For the sake of our posterity, we must also be willing to pay the price for freedom with “unremitting effort” just as our Founders did.
Identify Judeo-Christian heritage.
America’s primary cultural influence
is rooted in Judaism and Christianity rather than pagan religions.
America’a Judeo-Christian heritage has given her culture a strong belief in God and in the Bible—those very beliefs needed for the kind of righteousness that “exalts a nation”
Identify the Puritan work ethic.
The Puritans stresses that work is a gift from God and a means of glorifying Him. This idea came to be called the Puritan Work Ethic
Identify free enterprise.
Free enterprise means that the government leaves people free to own businesses and make a living based on their own enterprise (initiative).
Why did God instruct the Children of Israel to erect memorials?
God instructed the Israelites to erect memorials for time to time to remind them and their posterity of His faithfulness.
Name four types of memorials of God’s blessing in America today.
America also has “memorials” of God’s blessing. These can be found in our national documents, in symbols, in monuments, and in creeds.
How can we as Americans show respect for our flag?
Americans show respect for their flag and for their country by saluting it when it is raised or lowered and when it passes by in a parade of review.
Who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance? In this what year were the words “under God” added to the pledge?
The words of the pledge were written by Francis Bellamy.
Congress adopted the pledge in 1942 and in 1954 passed a resolution adding the words “under God.”
What is the name of America’s national anthem? Who wrote the words?
The United States national anthem is “The Star-Spangled Banner.”
The words of that song were written by Fransic Scott Key.