Chapter 1: Air Navagation Flashcards
What is an NDB? What is it called when its used in conjunction with the Instrument Landing System marker?
A) A Non-Direction Radio Beacon that transmits a radio signal pilots can use to determine use to determine bearing-to and “home” of the station
B) Compass locator
What does VOR stand for? What about VORW? What is the only positive method of identification?
A) VHF Omni-directional Range.
B) VOR without voice.
C) Morse code or by the recorded automatic voice identification.
What is the VOR MON? What is the exception to the MON coverage in regards to the WUSMA ? What is the WUSMA? What is the airport dispersion for the MON?
A) VOR Minimum Operating Network: A network of VORs that are being retained and established to ensure pilots will have continuous signal reception of a VOR when flying at 5,000 feet AGL.
B) Nearly continuous VOR recpetion will be provided throughout the NAS with the exception of the WUSMA.
C) WUSMA (Western U. S. Mountainous Areas)
D) Wherever you are, there will be an MON airport within 100nm of you.
What is a VOT? How is it used?
A) A VOT is a VOR test facility. A facility that transmits a test signal which provides users a convenient means to determine the operational status and accuracy of a VOR receiver while on the ground where a VOT is located.
B) Tune the VOT frequency and your CDI (Course Deviation Indicator) should read 0deg or 180deg. If you have an RMI (Radio Magnetic Indicator), it will center on 180 on any OBS (Omni-Bearing Selector) setting. If you attempt to ID the station, the Morse code will read continuous dots or a continuous tone.
Why was the TACAN developed? Does it use the same onboard equipment that VORs use?
A) VOR/DME was deemed unusable for military/naval use due to the pitching and rolling of the deck.
B) No, it operates in the UHF band so it requires different equipment than a conventional VOR receiver.
Out to what distance and with what accuracy can you expect to receive DME signals?
199 NM with an accuracy of 1/2 NM or 3% of the distance, whichever is greater.
What are the 3 SSV (Standard Service Volumes) called? What is the diameter of their coverage below 14,500 and above 1000ft ATH?
A) Terminal (T), Low (L), High (H)
B) T: 25NM, L and H: 40NM
What are the 3 components of an ILS? What additional equipment is required for a CAT II?
A) 3 parts are:
1) Guidance Information: localizer and glide slope
2) Range Information: DME, marker beacon
3) Visual Information: approach lights, touchdown and centerline lights, runway lights
B) CAT I just has and Outer Maker (OM), but a CAT II approach will have an Inner Marker (IM)
On an ILS approach, what can be substituted for an OM?
A) Compass Locator
At what angle from runway alignment does an approach switch from straight in to circling?
30 degrees
If there is a glide path on an ILS with no published DH, how low is that glide path usable to?
Runway Threshold
If a system is INOP on an approach, what do you do to determine the adjusted minimum? Can you just go off the NOTAM?
A) See the inoperative component table in the U.S. Government Terminal Procedures Publication (TPP), for adjustments to minimums due to inoperative airborne or ground system equipment.
B) Always check the TPP, but good question?
What are the ILS minimums for CAT I?
Decision Height (DH) 200 feet and Runway Visual Range (RVR) 2,400 feet (with touchdown zone and centerline lighting, RVR 1,800 feet)
What are the ILS Critical Areas?
Disturbances to ILS localizer and glide slope courses may occur when surface vehicles or aircraft are operated near the localizer or glide slope antennas. Most ILS installations are subject to signal interference by either surface vehicles, aircraft or both. ILS CRITICAL AREAS are established near each localizer and glide slope antenna.
What does LDA stand for? What about SDF? What is the difference between and ILS, an LDA, and an SDF?
A) Localizer Type Directional Aid
B) Simplified Directional Facility
C) An LDA isn’t aligned with the runway, and is more precise than an SDF. SDFs do not have glide-slopes and a very limited number of LDAs have them.
NAVAIDS with voice are controlled by one of what two agencies?
Either a FSS or an approach control facility