Chapter 1: Accounting Present and Past Flashcards
the language of business / The process of identifying, measuring, and communicating economic information about an organization for the purpose of making decisions and informed judgments.
users of accounting information
- management - planning, directing, controlling
- investors/shareholders - assessing future returns
- creditors/suppliers - assessing risk
- employees - assessing long-term job prospects/benefits
- government (SEC) - reviewing for compliance
financial accounting
preparation and reporting of financial statements for an entity [externally oriented i.e. BOD/ historical performance]
cash flow
Cash receipts or disbursements of an entity.
financial statements
present the financial position, operations, cash flow, resources of an entity at a point in time
keep track of financial transactions and accumulate the results of an entity’s financial activities. [part of financial accounting process]
chief accounting officer of a corporation
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
professional designation earned by fulfilling certain education and experience requirements, in addition to passing a comprehensive, 4 part exam
managerial/management accounting
Accounting that uses economic and financial information to plan and control many activities of the entity and to support the management decision-making process. (internal orientation i.e. employees/future-oriented way i.e. budgets)
cost accounting
A subset of both financial and managerial accounting that relates to the accumulation and determination of product, process, or service costs. (internal orientation i.e. employees/future-oriented way i.e. budgets)
Certified Management Accountant (CMA)
Professional designation earned by passing a broad, two-part examination and meeting certain experience requirements
public accounting
The segment of the accounting profession that provides auditing, income tax accounting, and management consulting services to clients / third party
The process of examining the financial statements of an entity by an independent third party (referred to as public accounting)
independent auditor’s report
resulting report of an audit (contains 4 brief paragraphs)
generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS)
Standards for auditing established by the Auditing Standards Board of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)
Pronouncements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and its predecessors that constitute appropriate accounting for various transactions used for reporting financial position
annual report
a document distributed to shareholders and other interested parties that include financial statements and notes to the financial statements, management discussion and analysis
internal auditing
an audit/examination of financial statements done internally (done by accountant with CIA designation; performs duties similar to external auditor but smaller scale)
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
A unit of the federal government that is responsible for establishing regulations and ensuring full disclosure to investors about companies and their securities that are traded in interstate commerce
Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF)
An organization composed of people from the public accounting profession, businesses, and the public that is responsible for the funding of and appointing members to the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
standard-setting body within the accounting profession / issued 8 statements of financial accounting concepts
Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS)
168 standards of accounting and reporting for particular issues
FASB Accounting Standards Codification (FASB Codification)
reorganized GAAP in a more accessible and researchable format /
Accounting Standards Update (ASU)
A transient document which communicates the details of specific amendments to the FASB Codification
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
Standard-setting body responsible for the development of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) globally permitted/accepted
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
Established in 2002 with authority to set and enforce auditing and ethics standards for public companies and their auditing firms; affiliated with the SEC.
4 parts of an independent auditor’s report
- financial statements audited
- Public Company Accounting Oversight Board standards explained
- auditor’s opinion
- auditor’s opinion about effectiveness of entity’s internal control of financial reporting
Income Tax Accounting
develop specialties in the taxation of individuals, partnerships, corporations, trusts and estates, or in international tax law issues.
standards for types of accounting
Managerial/cost -> cost accounting standard board (CASB) for govt contracts
auditing/public -> auditing standards board (part of AICPA)
state and local govt -> govt accounting standards board (GASB)
common code of ethics for both AICPA and IMA
integrity / objectivity