Chapter 1 Flashcards
Cell References
Cell address in a formula
Types of cell references
Relative: adjusts to new location when formula is copied
Absolute: non-changing
Mixed Row: A$1 (rows are marked by #)
Mixed Column: $A1 (columns are marked by letters)
Shortcut for absolute/ adding $ sign: F4
Default: relative
Pre-programmed shortcuts for calculating equations
Function inputs
Arguments = values in calculations = cell reference
Multiple arguments are separated by comma [,]
Range can be written by using semi-colon [:]
Function data entry format
=FunctionName(argument, argument,) - Enter
Quick Analysis Tool
Calculates totals down the column / across rows 5 functions: Sum Average Count % Total Running Total
An Excel file made of a collection of worksheets
An electronic ledger where you enter data. It’s made of rows (#) and columns (letters).
Cell address
A cell at the intersection of column and row
Cell range
Contiguous group of cells.
START: upper L corner
RANGE: range followed by a colon
END: lower R corner
Formula bar
Data entry area directly
below the Ribbon and
above the worksheet grid.
Name box
L side of the formula bar
Displays the address of the selected cell or the name of cells range
Status bar
Appears at the bottom of the worksheet grid
Can display information about selected data, including the number of cells selected that contain data, count, the average in the sum total
Protected view
Read-only format that protects your computer from becoming infected by a virus or other malware
Message bar
Displays a warning at the top of the window below the ribbon when a file is opened in protected view
Trusted document
The document originally displayed in protected view that has been marked as safe for editing
Ready mode
The data entry method used to change the contents of the ENTIRE cell by clicking on the cell once and then typing in the data
Edit mode
The data entry method used to change a PART of the cell data by double-clicking the cell and then moving the cursor within the cell to insert or delete data
General number format
does not maintain a consistent number of decimal places (43.00 - 43, 42.25- 42.25) and does not display commas (1,2345- 12345)
Accounting number format
$ L aligned Displays 2 places after decimal Aligns all numbers at the decimal 0 amounts are displayed as dashes (-)
Percent style format
% with zero places to the right of the decimal point
Comma style format
Similar to the Accounting format but without the currency symbol
Number format
Shows 2 decimal places by default but does not include commas (43 - 43.00)
Currency format
$ immediately to the L of the number
Column of # do not align at the $ and the decimal as they do the Accounting
Short date format
Long date format
Weekday, Month DD, YYYY
Auto fill
Fills a group of cells with the same data or extends data series
Fill handle tool
Appears at the lower Rcorner of a selected cell or group of cells and can be used to implement the auto fill feature
Data series
A sequence of cells with a recognizable pattern (used with the auto fill feature)
An equation used to calculate the value
Order of operations (precedence)
A mathematical rule stating that mathematical operations in the formula are calculated in this order:
1) exponents and roots
2) multiplication and division
3) addition and subtraction
Cell Reference
Cell’s address where it is referred in a formula
Relative reference
A cell reference that adjusts to the new location in the worksheet when the formula is copied
Absolute reference
A cell reference whose location remains constant when the formula is copied.
$ Before a letter or number in the cell address means that part of the cell address is absolute (non-changing)
Mixed reference
A combination cell reference of the row position that stays constant with a changing column position (or vice versa)
Pre-programmed shortcuts for calculating complex equations (like the average of a group of numbers)
The part of the formula (input) that the function uses to calculate the value
Allows you to insert common functions (SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MUN, MAX) with a single mouse click
Quick analysis tool
Feature that helps you easily apply formatting, create charts, and insert formulas based on the selected data
Status bar
Appears at the bottom of the worksheet and can display information about the selected data
Zoom slider
Slider bar that controls how large or small the file appears in the application window
A file with pre-defined settings that can be used as a pattern to create a new file
Tiled window arrangement
Places the window in a grid pattern
Horizontal window arrangement
Places the window in a row next to each other
Vertical window arrangement
Places the windows in a stack one on top of the other
Cascade window
Places windows in a staggered, overlapping diagonal arrangement
F4 - changes cell reference
F7 - Spell checker