Chapter 1 Flashcards
- What is definition Regionalism?
Define : Presently is the pursuit of a common identity, common aims and goals as well as shared value and structure existing within a specific geographical region.
- The global market and the form of regionalism that is a:
Project of resistance against global market forces.
-Newregionalism come from after ww ii.
- This new era of regional identity and United goals brought in the hallmarks
of European regionalism seen in present times.
- The EU promotes and implement regional unity,collective prosperity ,areas of common policy and economic progress with the EU zone through the creation of its governing institution
Such as the European Parliament, the European council, the European Commission and the like.
- Economically:
it has introduced a single market and the use of the Euro as a common currency through the establishment of European Central Bank.
- Government intervention too,
Has also contributed to the progress of the EU zone and the continent as a whole despite the generally detrimental belief in government intervention in economic matters.( depend on government belief).
- Shared competencies between the EU and the government of member state
Such as economic policy,internal markets, agriculture and fisheries ( General Priciple: Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) have all progressed to meet EU targets for economic advancement.
- The regional policy of the Eropean Union(EU)
Referred as Cohesion Policy is a policy with the stated aim of improving the economic well being of regions in the EU and also to avoid regional disparities. More than one competitive, fostering economic growth and creating new jobs.The policy also has a role to play in wider challenges for the future, including climate change,energy supply and globalization.
- The EU has expanded its reach far beyond economics.
Matters of common security, foreign policy, budget , energy and environment as well as external action are already within the many competencies of the EU and it’s institutions.( refer to how much budget government support in bad situations such as coronavirus.
- The Early history,
The progress and the current scope of the European Union , this essay will presently turn to the impact of the EU in the excercise of regionalism in the other geographic areas of the world.
- The concept of the Eropean Union’s regional policy
Regional policy targets EU regions and cities , boosting economic growth and improving quality of life through strategic investment. It is also an active form of solidarity whic focus support less developed regions.
- EU regional policy funding focuses on 4 Priorities
- Reseach and innovation
- information and communication technologies
- Making small and medium -sized businesses more competitive
- Moving towards a low- carbon economy
- Reseach and innovation
Sustainable growth is increasingly related to the capacity of regional economics to innovate and transform, adapting to an ever changing and more competitive.
This is mean that a much greater effort needs to be put into creating the eco-systems that encourage innovation , Reseach and development (r&f) and enterpreneureship, as stressed by the Erope 2020 strategy and its Innovation Union flagship initiative .
- Information and communication technologies
Over € 20 billion from the European Regional development fund ( ERDF) and cohesion fund is available for ICT investment during the 2014-2020 funding.
- Making small and medium -sized businesses more competitive
-Small and medium size enterprises are vital for EU’s economy
- improvising the competivess of SMEs
-increased investment in SME in 2014-2020 will build on the achievements of EU cohesion Policy during the 2007- 2013 funding period:
✳️More than 95,000 start-up supported
✳️More than 300,000 jobs created in SMEs
16.Moving towards a low- carbon economy
- Cohesion policy plays an important role in supporting The EU transition to a low-carbon economy in line with the Energy Union strategy.
- For the 2014 - 2020 funding periods , the rule on the Eropean Rigional Development Fund( ERDF) required Member State for the first time to allocate a mandatory minimum proportion of the available funding to the low - carbon economy:
- 20% of national ERDF resources in more developed regions
- 15% in transaction regions
- 12% in less developed regions
- Regional policy delivers results . Between 2007 and 2012 it helped EU countries:
- Create 769,000 jobs
- Invest in 225,000 smaller businesses
- Fund 72,000 research projects
- Bring broadband coverage to 5 millions more EU citizens
- Improving equality of life in city through 11,000 different projects
- National and regional authorities , in corporation with the Europesn COmmision, are responsible for managing the fund from day to day.
National and regional authorities , in corporation with the Europesn COmmision, are responsible for managing the fund from day to day.
- The managing authorities select , finance and monitor the project that can best help to serve local needs.
✳️They provide information on funding opportunities to potential beneficiaries , including:
- Public bodies
- The private sector( business )
- Universities
- Association & NGOs
- Regional policy is also an expression of solidarity between EU countries as it dedicates the bulk of it funding to the EUs less developed regions.
It is help these region to fulfill their economic potential , in the light of regional disparities both across the EU and within member countries. by way of examples figure from 2011( the lates Available ) show that the gross.
- One such association in the ASEAN. Currently , the association of Southest Asia Nationa is
Composed of ten member states. And whose initiative similar to EU include the persuit of an integrated economic market and open trade between members, through the completion of this goal is somewhat far off.In addition , the existence of the EU and the ASEAN has promoted the discussion of a North Amaerica Region entitled building a North American community.
- EU become the focus on:
Many debate for future of global economies and state state as well as the result of regionalism, may arguing that the future is to be a place and time of at least partial supranationalism , regional economic and globalized thinking.
- The Union agreement with counterpart organizations most notably the asean have impacted the world view what is means to be regionalist . As well as the possibilities of a global economy that looks less upon the sovereignty of state and more upon effects of regional integration and the economic upheavals that come with it.
Example that obviously ASEAN like focus on benefits their country rather than regional ASEAN members. It is different from EU like focus regional benefits and help Each other.
- Not to be forgotten though , the dept crisis concerning the Euro also presents areal view of the problems associated with regionalism and integrative fiscal policies .
Ex. How plan / have idea of EU to provide cash developing Reginal and overal benefits of EU member such as master plan.
- Union
Is no longer just regional association it is a view of possible future, a state in many respect though also subservient to member initiatives , a word economic powerhouse and a home to policies commonly instituted.
The EU is a regional association unlike any other , and as it has in the easiest stage of its history until the present , the Eropean Union is changing the face of regionalism.
Refer to EU like to help develop Human respurces and training member countries and sharing knowledge or new updates.