CHAPTER 1 Flashcards
- An individualistic political culture is one in which:
A. the function of government is to serve the needs of the individuals
B. corruption is tolerated
C. the Irish, southern, and eastern European immigrants were the founders of this culture
D. all of the above.
- Which of the following supports the traditionalistic political culture found in Texas?
A. Southern racist attitudes
B. an elitist patron system
C. one-party domination
D. all of the above
- The first African-Americans to come to Texas were:
A. free men
B. soldiers.
C. slaves of Spanish explorers.
D. slaves of Anglo settlers.
- The Immigration Reform and Control Act of l986
A. appropriated funds for more INS personnel.
B. provided amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.
C. penalized employers for knowingly hiring undocumented workers.
D. all of the above.
- Texas currently ranks in the number of electoral votes, with 34.
A. First B. Third C. Second D. Fourth E. Fifth
- In economic policy, the basic principle underlying conservatism is
A. economic laissez-faire. B. government regulation. C. central planning. D. social equality. E. personal individualism.
- Texas has a political culture that is best described as
A. traditionalistic/individualistic. B. traditionalistic/moralistic. C. individualistic/traditionalistic. D. individualistic/moralistic. E. moralistic/traditionalistic.
- Which of the following would be helpful in identifying a political culture?
A. The attitudes people hold regarding what government should do
B. The attitudes people hold regarding who should rule
C. The attitudes people hold regarding what role citizens should play
D. All of the above
- The acquiring of political values and beliefs from family and institutions is through a process called
A. majority opinion.
B. political socialization.
C. social efficacy.
D. fostering ideology.
- Individuals who are from different regions of the country or within a state will likely have different political values. This illustrates the existence of a variety of different political
A. straw polls.
B. subcultures.
C. campaigns.
D. parties.
- Which of the following subcultures best explains the reasons for less participation by African-Americans in politics?
A. Moralistic
B. Individualistic
C. Traditionalistic
D. Both A and C
- The moralistic subculture
A. encourages government involvement in social and economic issues.
B. discourages government involvement in social and economic issues.
C. opposes active citizen participation in politics.
D. encourages elite control.
- The traditionalistic culture
A. wants experienced politicians running the government.
B. feels that the national government should do more to help the disadvantaged.
C. believe that businesses and individuals should let more things be done by government.
D. stresses that everyone should have an equal opportunity to participate in government.
- The individualistic culture in Texas is most prominent in
A. East Texas.
B. the Hill Country.
C. industrialized cities.
D. the Gulf Coast region.
- German immigrants to Texas were socially conservative, suspicious of government, and self-sufficient. The subculture in areas they settled is referred to as
A. moralistic.
B. individualistic.
C. traditionalistic.
D. none of the above.
- According to Daniel Elazar, the political culture of Texas is
A. moralistic because of the influence of the southern Baptists.
B. traditionalistic because of the influence of the Old South.
C. unique because of the discovery of oil.
D. A and B only
- Which of the following is an incorrect statement regarding the Native American population of Texas?
A. The Native American population of Texas was never large.
B. The Caddo Indians in East Texas gave Texas its name by referring to newcomers as tayshas, which means “white man.”
C. Most Native Americans reside in towns and cities, not reservations.
D. There is no state supervisory agency for Native Americans.
- Recent population shifts in Texas have been
A. from urban to rural.
B. from rural to urban and back to rural.
C. from rural to urban, from large cities to suburbs.
D. from large cities to rural, from suburbs to rural.
- Which of the following states has a larger population than Texas?
A. Alaska
B. Ohio
C. California
D. Florida
- Which one of the following is not a correct statement?
A. The Mestizo is a person of mixed Spanish and Indian blood.
B. The Texas political system is a product of a particular political culture.
C. Mexican-American is a term generally referred to people with Spanish surnames who are American citizens.
D. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport is the nation’s largest airport.
E. The horizontal drilling technique was utilized before 1980s to make oil extraction more profitable in Texas.
- Texas political culture includes all but one of the following:
A. Texans are a conservative and traditional people.
B. Texans are pro-business, low taxes, and regressive tax-minded.
C. Social Darwinism is a dominant philosophy in Texas political culture.
D. There is the legacy of ethnic and cultural heterogeneity.
E. Texans are predominantly moralistic with residuals of traditionalist culture.
- Harsh competition among individuals where the most fit survive and reproduce their own kind while the weak or inferior perish is referred to as and was proposed by:
A. Theory of the Fittest, Albert Einstein B. Law of the Jungle, Abraham Lincoln C. Law of Supply and Demand, Adam Smith D. Social Darwinism, Charles Darwin E. Democratic Creed, George Washington
- An enduring contribution of the Native American population to Texas’ culture, government and politics is
A. state laws pertaining to property and mineral rights
B. the state’s name
C. state laws pertaining to public lands
D. the structure of local governments
- The community property laws and homestead laws in Texas
A. have been copied by all the other forty-nine states.
B. are responsible for settling the land claims of the Kickapoo Indians.
C. are symbols of our Spanish heritage.
D. are indicative of Texas’ long-standing support for equal rights.
- What is the largest non-Anglo population in Texas?
A. Black B. Jews C. Japanese D. Hispanics E. Arabs
- What tax was levied for extraction of natural resources in Texas?
A. Severance Tax B. Property Tax C. Oil & Gas Tax D. School Tax E. Road Use Ta
- Texas has:
A. neither a personal income tax nor a corporate tax law.
B. a right-to-work law and corporate profits tax law.
C. a right-to-work law but no severance tax on oil and natural gas.
D. neither a personal income tax, a corporate profits tax, nor a severance tax on oil and natural gas.
- Which of the following is true of Social Darwinism?
A. It did not go well with the traditional principles of laissez-faire.
B. Wealth was deserved by individuals who acquired it.
C. It did little to reassure Americans that change was progress.
D. It urged government regulation to protect the weak.
- What word best describes the social make-up of the Texas people?
A. homogeneity
B. diversity
C. brutality
D. politicized
- A political culture is:
A. a written set of codes which dictate political action.
B. a club that attempts to influence governmental decisions.
C. a major problem for rulers of stable forms of government.
D. a pattern of political beliefs and values of a community.
- Favorable factors of the Texas economy include
A. No state income tax
B. Right to work option
C. Pro-business attitude
D. All of the above
- The migration of people from rural regions to growing cities is called
the Industrial Revolution.
- What is the most populous city in Texas?
A. Arlington
B. Dallas
C. Houston
D.San Antonio
- What natural resource made Spindletop famous in Texas?
A. Gold
B. Oil
C. Salt
D. Uranium
- True or false: The dome of the Texas State Capitol in Austin is taller than the dome of the US Capitol in Washington.
A. True
B. False
- How many presidential libraries are in Texas?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Six
- Which Texas stadium was nicknamed the “Eighth Wonder of the World”?
A. Cowboys Stadium in Arlington
B. Darrell K Royal – Texas Memorial Stadium in Austin
C. Kyle Field in College Station
D. Reliant Astrodome in Houston
- Which Texas town is not named after a European city?
A. Athens
B. London
C. Paris
D. Barcelona
- Sweetwater, Texas, hosts the world’s largest roundup of this animal:
A. Bats
B. Cattle
C. Horses
D. Rattlesnakes
- Who was the first woman governor of Texas?
A. Miriam “Ma” Ferguson
B. Barbara Jordan
C. Ann Richards
D. Carole Keeton Strayhorn
- Where was George W. Bush born?
A. Connecticut
B. Florida
C. Oklahoma
D. Texas
- Which computer mogul currently resides in Austin, Texas?
A. Tim Cook
B. Bill Gates
C. Michael Dell
D. Mark Zuckerberg
- What does the hand gesture of an extended forefinger and extended pinky signify to Texans?
A. Gig ’em – a show of support for Texas A&M University
B. Hang loose – a colloquial greeting among Texans
C. Hook ’em horns – a sign of support for the University of Texas
D. Rock on – a heavy metal music sign
- What is the highest peak in Texas?
A. Bush Mountain
B. Cienega Mountain
C. Emory Peak
D. Guadalupe Peak
- From which country did Texas declare independence in 1835?
A. France
B. Mexico
C. Spain
D. United States
- Which artist has never performed at the Austin City Limits Music Festival?
A. Coldplay
B. Bob Dylan
C. Red Hot Chili Peppers
D. The Rolling Stones
- Who wrote, “I have said that Texas is a state of mind, but I think it is more than that. It is a mystique closely approximating a religion.”?
A. William Faulkner
B. Scott Fitzgerald
C. John Steinbeck
D. John UpdikeThe Rolling Stones
- Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis received national attention for an 11-hour-long filibuster. What was she filibustering against?
A. Proposed abortion regulations
B. Affirmative action
C. Hydraulic fracturing or “fracking”
D. New voter-registration regulations
- “The Eyes of Texas,” the alma mater of the University of Texas at Austin, is set to the tune of which folk song?
A. “Early Morning Rain”
B. “If I Had a Hammer”
C. “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad”
D. “Tom Dooley”
- Which of these statements about Texas is false?
A. More than 100 varieties of cactuses grow in Texas.
B. Texas is the biggest state by square mileage.
C. Texas is the largest beef producer in the US.
D. The Texas state reptile is the horned lizard.