chapter 1 Flashcards
Formative assessments
are intentionally brief (e.g., from one to several minutes) and are intended to be administered frequently, unlike summative tests that are typically administered annually or every few years.
Interim assessments
reside between summative and formative assessments
Summative assessments
tests are administered after some period of instruction is completed (this can vary widely, e.g., a unit on vertebrates in biology, a semester of physics, or a year of algebra).
Objective tests
include multiple-choice, true-false, and matching formats, and student responses are typically limited to “bubbling in” electronically scanned answer sheets, or circling or underlining on test booklets.
Norm-referenced tests
are typically standardized tests developed by commercial test publishers (e.g., the SAT), sometimes in conjunction with state education agencies.
Criterion-referenced tests
may be standardized or teacher made, and enable a different kind of comparison.
Curriculum-based measurements
probes may be standardized or teacher made. CBM probes are designed to be sensitive to small changes in learning. This makes CBM probes suitable to monitor day-to-day progress in reading (CBM-R), math (CBM-M), writing (CBM-W), and spelling (CBM-S), which in turn facilitates day-to-day instructional decision making
evidence helps us determine whether the test is measuring what it is intended to measure, and score reliability indicates the extent to which test scores are consistent and stable.