Chapter 1 Flashcards
Were is Greece located?
Greece is in the Balkan Peninsula and the islands next to it, in the south-east of Europe
How many periods did it has and what were their names?
Greece have three different periods and their names were: the Archaic period from the 8th BC to the 6th Bc, Classical period from the 5th BC up to 336BC and the Hellenistic period from 4th to 30BC
What were the important events in Archaic Period?
The important events were:
The Appearance of the poleis
Why in the Archaic period were social problems?
They were divided in different classes that were:
- Aristoi (Lands and Rights)
- Slaves (No rights or Lands)
How many battles were in the Classical periods and what are their names?
Four battles and their names are:
- First median war
- Termopilas
- Salamis
- Peloponnesian war
What were the important events of the Hellenistic period?
Two important events:
- The son of the king of macedonia conquer Greece and built a great empire
- In 30BC Romans conquered them
What were the forms of government of Sparta and Athens.
Athens: Democracy
Sparta: Oligarchy
What were the requirements to be able to vote in Sparta and in Athens?
Sparta: Any citizen over 30 and Spartan father
Athens: Any citizen over 18 and Athenian parents
The four points of the economy in Greece
1-Agriculture=> cereals, olives, vines
2-Livestook farming=> goats,sheep…
4-Traders=>very important activity
The seven principal points of the religion in Greece
- Polytheists
- Greek gods were anthropomorphic
- They lived in mount Olympus
- They had powers and were inmortal
- Greeks believed in demigods
- Gods lives=> Myths
- To honour gods: Religious celebrations, Olympic games and Offerings
The most important buildings in Greek architecture
Were the temples made of stone and marble
The different types of columns in the story of Greece
Archaic: Doric, simple
Classical: Ionic, more complex
Hellenistic: Corinthian, very complex
The different types of sculptures in the story of Greece
Archaic: Kouros
Classical: Discobolus
Hellenistic: Laocoon and his sons
What were the names of the assemblies that Sparta and Athens organized
What are the things that poleis had in common
- Religion
- Language (Greek)
- Culture
- Hellas(poleis)
- Same shape
What was the strategy that greek use in the battle of termopilas
They use a double strategy one half of the trop to the land and the oder half to the sea.
When Alexander the Great die his…
his generals divided between his generals and they founded “Hellenistic monarchies”
Why greeks need new territories?
Because the increase of population and New commercial activity brought the need of Raw Materials and New Markets
How was call the upper part and the lower part of the Greece cities?
The upper part was call Acropolis and the lower part was call Agora
In the battle of Salamis how won the Greeks or the Persians?
The Greeks because they were very good at navigation
How years of peace did Athens and Sparta signed?
They signed a 30 years of peace but Athens became stronger
What is the name of the friend of Blanca?
What are the names of the sons of Kronos(a titan)
- Hades
- Hestia
- Demeter
- Hera
- Poseidón
- Zeus
How many years did the Peloponnesian war
The Peloponnesian war lasted almost 30 years