Chapter 1 Flashcards
What is:
- The scientific method
- Research methods and designs
- A way to answer a question using empirical research and data based conclusions
- Begin with curiosity, develop a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, draw conclusions, report the results
Bronfenbrenners contexts of development
- the developing person: age, sex, health, abilities, temperament
- Microsystem(immediate, direct influences): house of worship, family, school, neighborhood, peer group
- Mesosystem(interaction of systems)
- Exosystem: religious values, mass media, transportation systems, medical institutions, community structures, educational systems
- Macrosystems: cultural patterns, political philosophies, economic policies, social conditions
- Chronosystem(dimension of time) changing conditions, personal and societal, over the life span
Operant conditioning
Preform an action-get response- if response is pleasurable or useful more likely to repeat the action
Example: boyfriend says something sweet to girlfriend: girlfriend kisses his cheek: boyfriend more likely to say sweet things
Classical conditioning
Social learning theory
Learning by observation even w/o reinforcements
Kids watch video of kids playing violently with a toy-after watching videos children who arched the video were violent with the toy and the other children were not
Psychoanalytic theory
Theory of human development that holds that irrational, unconscious drives, and motives, often originating in childhood, underlie human behaviors
Developmental theory
Systematic statement of principles and generalizations providing a framework for understanding how and why people change over a life span
Cognitive theory
Human development that focuses on changes in how people think over time
Thoughts shape attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors
Stresses the potential of all humans, who have the same basic needs, regardless of culture, gender or background
Evolutionary theory
Nature works to ensure that each species does two things: survive and reproduce
Masolows hierarchy of needs
- Physiological
- Safe and secure
- Love and belonging
- Esteem
- Self actualization
- Physiological
Basic survival, water, food, shelter
- Safe and secure
Being protected and defended
- Love and belonging
Loved and appreciated as a partner, family member, and part of the group
- Esteem
Being respected, successful, and admired
- Self-actualization
Becoming your unique and wonderful self
Number between +1.0 and -1.0 indicates degree of relationship between two variables
Positive-both variables increase together
Negative- one variable increase while other decreases
Quantitive research
Research that shows data that can be expressed with numbers such as ranks or scales
Qualitative research
Considers qualities instead of quantities.