Chapter 1 Flashcards
Axial Skeleton (4)
skull (cranium)
vertebral column ( C1 thru coccyx
Apendicular Skeleton (4)
- shoulder ( or pectoral) girdle (L and R scapula and clavicle)
- bones of the arms wrists, and hands (L and R humerus, radius, ulna, carpels, metacarpals, and phalanges)
- pelvic girdle (L and R coxal or innominate bones)
- bone of the legs, ankles, and feet (L and R femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges
Junctions of bones
Fibrous Joints
allow virtually no movement
e.g sutures of the skull
Cartilaginous Joints
allow limited movement
e.g. intervertebral disks
Synovial Joints
allow considerable movement
e.g. elbows and knees
most sport and exercise movements occur at these joints b/c of low friction and large range of motion.
Articulating bone ends are covered with smooth _____ _______? The entire joint is enclosed in a capsule filled with ______ ______?
Hyaline cartilage.
Synovial Fluid.
Virtually all joint movement consists of rotation about _____ or ______?
point; axes
Depending on the number of directions about which rotation occurs, how are joints categorized?
Uniaxial Joints
Biaxial Joints
Multiaxial Joints
Uniaxial Joints
operate as hinge, essentially rotating about only one axis e.g. elbow and knee
Biaxial Joints
allow movement about two perpendicular axes
e.g. ankle and wrist
Multiaxial Joints
allow movement about all three perpendicular axes that define space
e.g. shoulder and hip ball-and-socket joints
Vertebral Column and it’s components
made up of vertebral bones separated by flexible disks that allow movement to occur.
7 cervical vertebrae ( neck)
12 thoracic vertebrae (upper-middle back)
5 lumbar vertebrae (middle-low back)
5 sacral vertebrae (rear part of pelvis)
3-5 coccygeal vertebrae (vestigial internal tail extending downward from pelvis
connective, fibrous tissue sheath surrounding skeletal muscle. Contiguous with the tendons at the ends of the muscle.
attached to bone perioteum
Bone Periosteum
specialized connective tissue covering all bones; muscle contractions pull on tendon and, in turn, the bone.
closest to trunk
farther from trunk
closer to head
closer to feet
Muscle fibers
aka muscle cells; long, cylindrical cells 50-100 micrometers in diameter. Have nuclei situated on outer portion of cell. Striated appearance.
under epimysium; bundles of muscle fibers (up to 150 fibers). Bundles surrounded by perimysium.
connective tissue surround fasciculi.
surrounds each muscle fiber; encircled by sarcolemma
fibrous membrane surrounding endomysium
Motor Neuron
nerve cell
Neuromuscular junction
junction between motor neuron and muscle fiber; aka motor end plate
Motor unit
motor neuron and the muscle fiber it innervates; all muscle fibers of a motor unit contract together when they are stimulated by the motor neuron.
the cytoplasm of a muscle fiber; contains contractile components consisting pf protein filaments, other proteins, stored glycogen and fat particles, enzymes, and specialized organelles (mitochondria, and sarcoplasmic reticulum).
dominate sarcoplasm; contain the apparatus that contracts the muscle cells, which consists primarily of 2 types of myofilaments: myosin and actin.
Myofilaments (2)
myosin and actin
-contains up to 200 myosin molecules
consists of a globular head, a hinge point, and a fibrous tail.
-adjacent myosin filaments anchor to each other at the M-bridge in the center of the sacromere (H-zone)
when the globular head of the myosin protrude away from myosin and pairs with actin.
consist of two stands arranged in a double helix.
-aligned at both ends of the sacromere and are anchored at the Z-line.
smallest contractile unit of the skeletal muscle.
-structured having myosin and actin organized longitudinally.
DARK portion of sacromere.
-corresponds with the alignment of the myosin filaments.
LIGHT portion of sacromere.
- corresponds with the areas in two adjacent sacromeres that contain only action.
- shorten during muscle contraction as z-lines are pulled toward center of sacromere
middle of the I-band and appears as a thin, dark line running longitudinally through the I-band.
-shorten during muscle contraction