Chapter 1 Flashcards
Definition Linguistic Dictionary
„Natural human language is a phenomenon typically human and at the same time a social phenomenon; it is the primary system of signs, a tool for thought and action and the most important means of communication.“ (translated from German)
What is speech?
Spoken language (speech)
What is language?
Written language (language)
Semiotic triangle:
Triade with three correlates:
▪ Sign vehicle (repräsentamen, symbol)
▪ Meaning (interpretant, thought or reference)
▪ Object of reference (object, referent)
Information vs. Meaning
▪ Information: Conventionalized and institutionalized code
▪ Meaning: Evoked concepts, terms and notions
System vs. Realization:
▪ Speech as a system (langue)
▪ Realization of speech acts (parole)
Forms of representation:
▪ Spoken language (speech)
▪ Written language (language)
Speech signals vs. speech sounds:
▪ Speech signals: variation of an electrical or acoustic variable over time
▪ Speech sounds: Auditory events provoked by speech
Linguistic units:
▪ Sound: Segment (or class of similar segments) into which an utterance can be decomposed auditorily (Lewandowski, 1994) ▪ Phoneme: Smallest distinctive (with respect to meaning) unit of a language, does not carry meaning in itself, e.g. /b/ in bit and /p/ in pit. ▪ Morpheme: Smallest unit carrying meaning in a language
Relation between linguistic units:
▪ Syntax: Relationship between the signs themselves
▪ Semantics: Relationship between the signs and the item thus signified ▪ Pragmatics: Relationship between the sign and its “user”
Aspects: ▪ Quantity ▪ Intensity or accentuation ▪ Intonation Acoustic correlates: ▪ Duration ▪ Amplitude ▪ Fundamental frequency
Applications 2
1 Interpersonal speech communication mediated by technology
2 Human-machine interaction via the telephone channel
Speech signal processing in a terminal device:
Speech ( ← Noise) → A/D → (* Echo comensation ) → Noise Reduction → Speechcoding
Speechdecoding → Signal Enhancement → A/D
Speech used in human-machine communication:
▪ The most important medium of human communication
▪ Intuitive and natural
▪ Does not require special knowledge or learning efforts
▪ Applicable in hands-busy-eyes-busy situations
▪ Especially eligible for the visually handicapped or users who are not sufficiently mobile
▪ Employable independent from location (i.e. per telephone)
Speech Recognition → Speechunderstanding → Dialogue Management → Answer Generation → Speech Synthesis
Communication Modell following Shannon and Weaver (1949):
information Source → Sender -Signal→ Channel (← Noise Source)
-Signal→ Receiver → information sink
Extended model following Heute (1990):
Brain -Information→ Vocal Tract -Composure of vocal tract Spatial code→ 1. Modulation: Articulation( ← Air current as carrier ) -Soundwave→ 2. Modulation: Microphone -Electrical signal→ 3. Modulation: Transmission ( ← Noise ) → Demodulatiom: Loudspeaker -Soundwave→ Ear → Nerve pulse → Brain
Influence factors:
▪ (Speaking) behaviour of the human interlocutor
▪ (Speaking) behaviour of the machine interlocutor
▪ Characteristics of the transmission channel
▪ Communication situation, goal ot the interaction, motivation,
experiences, etc.
Possible disturbances:
▪ Transmission channel, e.g. background noise, circuit noise, echoes, packet loss, delays, etc.
▪ Speech production
▪ Speech reception
▪ No common system of signs