Chapter 1 Flashcards
He wore a suit to work.
Se llevó un traje al trabajo.
When it is cool at night, I usually put a sweatshirt on.
Cuando hace frío (fresquito) por la noche, normalmente pongo una sudadera.
I love my red, woollen sweater.
suéter, jersey
Me encanta mi suéter rojo de lana.
I usually wear boots when I go hiking.
Normalmente llevo botas cuando hago senderismo.
The foreigners sometimes wear socks with their sandals.
Los guiris a veces llevan calcetines con sus sandalias.
tennis shoes
My favorite pair of shoes are my Adidas tennis shoes.
Mis zapatos preferidos son mis por playeras de Adidas.
I gave my girlfriend a bracelet for her birthday.
Regalé una pulsera a mi novia para su cumple.
My mother almost always wears earrings.
Mi madre casi siempre lleva pendientes.
Yesterday, Maria wore a silver necklace.
Ayer, María llevó un colgante de plata.
My pullover has a hood.
Mi jersey tiene una capucha.
You should always wear a helmet when you ride a motorcycle.
Siempre deberías llevar un casco cuando montas en moto.
Ryan likes to wear a baseball cap when he isn’t in English class.
A Ryan le gusta llevar una gorra de béisbol cuando no está en clase de Inglés.
My mother makes me wear woollen socks in winter.
de lana
Mi madre me obliga llevar calcetines de lana en invierno.
I’ve always wanted a leather jacket.
Siempre he querido una chaqueta de cuero.
My t-shirt is 100℅ cotton.
Mi camiseta es 100℅ de algodón.
At the weekends, I will only dress casually.
Los fines de semana, solo me vestiré informal.
smart (clothes)
I like to dress smart when I go out to dinner.
vestirse bien
Me gusta vestirme bien cuando salgo para cenar fuera.
Her black dress was a very elegant choice for the party.
Su vestido negro era una elección elegante para la fiesta.
Sara loves stylish clothes.
Sara le encanta ropa estilosa.
add to
I added salt to the soup.
Añadir a
Añadí sal a la sopa.
try on
Before buying the jeans, I tried them on at the shop.
probar (ropa)
Antes de comprar los vaqueros, los probé en la tienda.
cut down on
You need to cut down on the amount of sugar you eat.
cut down también puede ser ‘cortar’ ( un árbol)
Tienes que reducir la cantidad de azúcar que comes.
dress up
We dressed up as pirates.
We dressed up to go to the wedding.
disfrazarse o ponerse guapo
Nos disfrazaron como piratas.
Nos pusimos guapos para ir a la boda.
fit in with
Marcos doesn’t fit in with our group.
Marcos no encaja con nuestro grupo.
go out
Later, I’m going to go out with my friends.
Luego, voy a salir con mis amigos.
keep up with
He was talking so fast, I couldn’t keep up with what he was saying.
seguir el ritmo
Él estaba hablando tan rápido que no podía seguir lo que estaba diciendo.
pull on
After practice, he pulled on a sweatshirt.
He pulled on the door.
poner (ropa)
tirar (algo)
Después del entreno, se puso una sudadera.
El se tiró la puerta.
put together
He put the puzzle together.
He put the two things together
He put the furniture together.
hacer (puzzle)
poner juntos (dos cosas)
montar (el mueble)
Él hizo el puzzle.
Él puso las dos cosas juntas.
Él montó el mueble.
save up
He saved up all of his money for 2 years so he could buy a PlayStation.
Él ahorró todo su dinero durante 2 años para poder comprar una PlayStation.
slip on
She slipped on her dress.
He slipped on the water.
Ella se puso el vestido.
Él se resbaló en el agua.
stand out
He stood out from his friends because he was the only one wearing a hat.
destacarse, aparecer diferente
Se destacó de sus amigos porque él era el único que llevaba un sombrero.
take back
My mother had to take back the clothes she bought me because they didn’t fit.
Mi madre tenía que devolver la ropa que me compró porque no me cabía.
be easy to see or notice
stand out
create something by joining or combining different things.
put together
return something
take back
wear smarter clothes than usual
dress up
keep money for something in the future
save up
cut down
put something on quickly
pull on, slip on
go somewhere for entertainment
go out
understand something that is changing fast.
keep up with
go ahead
seguir adelante
go back
go for
ir a por, ir a buscar
go in
go on
continuar, seguir
go over
examinar, repasar
go up
The prices of leather bags have_________ a lot recently.
Why are you looking at me like that? What’s ____________ ?
going on
The design company ______________ the applicant with the best portfolio.
went for
I _____________ to the same shoe shop but there were no more pairs in my size.
went back
You’ll need to _______________ all the figures in the report to check they’re correct.
go over
Can I wear your necklace tonight?
– Sure, ____________ !
go ahead
cuando usamos “-er” ?
con una palabra corta
más pequeño
cuándo usamos “more” ?
more beautiful
con una palabra larga
más guapa
qué significa “than” ?
He is taller than me.
Él es más alto que yo.
Cuándo usamos “the ____-est” ?
They are the funniest.
con una palabra corta.
Ellos son los más graciosos.
Cuándo usamos “the most _______” ?
She is the most interesting.
con una palabra larga
Ella es la más interesante.
Qué significa “less than” ?
They are less than us.
menos que
Ellos son menos que nosotros.
Qué significa “the least ________” ?
He has the least expensive car.
el menos
El tiene el coche menos caro.
by far
He is by far the tallest.
mucho más
Él es el más alto por mucho.
He is slightly faster.
un poco, ligeramente
Él es más rápido por poco.
a bit
She is a bit smaller.
un poco
Ella es un poco más pequeña.
a great deal
They are a great deal better than us.
por mucho
Ellos son mucho mejores que nosotros
We are much worse.
Somos mucho peores.
Mary is shorter than her brother.
Mary is ____________________ her brother.
not as tall as
Mary no es tan alta como su hermano.
These sunglasses cost a bit less than my last pair.
These sunglasses ____________________ than my last pair
were a bit less expensive
Estas gafas de sol eran un poco menos caro que las últimas.
Coco Chanel was an extremely talented designer.
Coco Chanel was one of ______________________ in the world.
the most talented designers
Coco Chanel era una de los más talentosos diseñadores del mundo.
I preferred you with curlier hair.
I preferred your hair when it wasn’t __________________ is now
as straight as it
Yo prefería tu pelo cuando no era tan liso como ahora.
This shoe shop is the cheapest one I’ve found.
This shoe shop is ____________________ all the ones I’ve found.
the least expensive of
Esta tienda de zapatos es el menos caro de todas que he encontrado.
Suzanne’s host at the dinner party wasn’t as elegantly dressed as she was.
At the dinner party, Suzanne was far _____________ her host.
more elegantly dressed than
En la cena, Suzanne estaba vestida mucho más elegante que su anfitrión.
It takes much less time to travel by train than by car.
Traveling by train __________________ traveling by car.
is a lot faster/quicker than
Viajar en tren es mucho más rápido que viajar en coche.
Harry wears smarter clothes now that he has a girlfriend.
Harry dressed _________________ he didn’t have a girlfriend.
less smart when
Harry se vistió menos guapo cuando no tenía una novia.
The model is only 17 - I thought she was older.
The model is not _________________ I thought.
as old as
La modelo no es tan mayor como yo pensaba.
2 - 5 words
’ A club has just opened in Leeds, ‘ said Maria to Sally.
Maria _____________________ club in Leeds
told Sally about a
(Este ejercicio está mal. Es reported speech. Entonces, ellos deberían seguir las reglas de reported speech, pero no puedes con solo 2-5 palabras.)
I returned the dress to the shop because it was badly made.
Because the dress was badly made, I __________________ to the shop.
took it back
Some shops try really hard to help you.
Some shops really ___________________ to help you.
make an effort
hacer un esfuerzo
Fifty years ago, cars were slower than they are nowadays.
Fifty years ago, cars _____________________ they are nowadays.
aren’t as fast as
It’s a lot easier to learn a language by visiting the country where it is spoken.
You can learn a language ___________________ you visit the country where it is spoken.
much quicker/easier if
For me, Stella McCartney is doing a more interesting work than other designers today.
For me, Stella McCartney is by ____________________ designer working today.
far the best