chapter 1 Flashcards
what is the united states of America?
The largest economy in the world over 17.4 trillion. The united states is born on ideas
what is the roll of the government
republic/a government in which citizens rule indirectly make decisions through their elected representatives
suggest that people influence government with many interest groups to champion everything from fighting global warming to abortions
elit theory
counters that power actually rest in the hands of a small number of wealthy and powerfull individuals
bureaucratic theory argues
that the rule lies with men and women who carry out day to day operations in modern government
social movement
emphasizes the power of citizens have when they rise and protest
the four L’s
ideas, institution interest individuals
we stress 7 essentials ideas liberty, democracy, individualism , limited government and the American dream equality and faith in GOD
like president or senator, institutions is the organization norms and rules that structure political action
are known as rational choice theory self interest public interest unions self interest
influence politely outcome, presidents and senators
increasing diversity
population changes more minority’s over power whites in the years to come
self government
idea that government flows from the people
limited government
is when we don’t want government dictating very aspect of our lives
the idea that individuals are responsible for their own well being not the government
Americans come together to help each other in time of need
all citizens enjoy same privileges and status before the law
political equality
means everyone has the same political rights
economic equality
that there are no or small differences between wealthy and regular citizens
in agreement that provides for joint actions to achieve defined goals
religious or mortal authority agreement / compact
American exceptionalism
from the bible “city on hill” how you live your life should be an example to the world
the constitution
is a blueprint for our government
American revolution
is what lead to war with conflict with britin /colonial revolt 1765 and 1783 American patriots won independence from great Britain.