Chapter 1-6 Flashcards
Nuclear Family
Biological Father, Biological Mother and their biological or adopted children. No other family members living inside the home.
Extended Family
Family unit where two or more generations of close family relatives live together in one household.
Ex. Mother, Father with children with one or more grandparent in the household.
Single Parent
Can result from death divorce or unmarried parenthood.
Childless Carefree
Unable to conceive or adopt children.
Step Family
A family that is formed after death or divorce a parent marries again.
Cohabitating Family
Unmarried parents who live together in a single household.
Gay and Lesbian Families
Same sex partners who live together in the same household. May include a natural born or adopted child.
Family of Origin
The family into which we are born or brought into by adoption.
Family of Procreation
The family unit that is formed when we marry and produce children.
Difference between Household and Family.
Family consists of two or more people related by birth, marriage or adoption.
A household consists of all people who occupy a housing unit regardless of relationship.
Difference between Ethnicity and Race
Race- Skin color or ancestry
Ethnicity-Social construction (share religion, customs, language,
And dress.)
Main Points
African American
- -Strong commitment to family
- -Willingness to allow relatives and close relatives to move in to the family home.
- -Close system of aid and support.
- -Family interactions and get togethers
Main Points
- -Family life is very important
- Close interdependent relationships.
- -The wellbeing of family takes precedence over the well being of the individual.
Main Points
Asian American
- -Greater emphasis is placed on the family than the individual.
- -About 1/2 of all Asian Americans have bachelors.
- -Guilt and Shane are the punishments.
Main Points
Native American/Alaskan Native
- -Native Families are headed by someone other than a parent like a grandparent or non fictive kin.
- -Family ties are very important
- -Matriarchal Society
Main Points
Arab American
- -Very diverse- Not all are muslims
- Heterosexual/Nuclear Families are expected.
Collectivist vs. Individualist Cultures
Collectivist- Society is concerned with the whole
Individualistic- individuals are more important than the group.