Chapter 1 Flashcards
What are some basic assumptions of liberalism?
- Optimistic: humans capable of enlightened cooperation.
- Cooperation, interdependence
- Largely objective reality
- Political stakes are non-zero-some-gains of one country does not come at the expense of others
- Conflict is central but not inevitable
- International system is anarchical, but growing order
- The main cause of conflict is a lack of central processes to regulate competition
- The best path to peace is to increase interdependence, cooperation, and adherence to international law
- IGO’s and states Are key organizations
- Morality-define and follow common moral standards
- Policy prescriptions-cooperate to achieve mutual interests
What are the basic assumptions of realism?
- Pessimistic humans self-interested and competitive
- Core concepts–power, conflict
- Reality-largely objective
- Political stakes-zero-sum gain-gain for one country is inevitably a loss for others
- Conflict in system is central and inevitable
- International system-anarchical
- Main cause of conflict-states pursuing conflicting self interest
- Best path to peace-achieve balance of power
- Key organization-states
- Morality-national interest is a state’s moral imperative
- Policy prescriptions-pursue self-interest, expand/preserve power
Compare and contrast realist and liberal conceptions of human nature.
Realists- pessimistic about human nature. Humans have an inherent Dark side. According to Hobbes humans have an inherent urge to dominate. Morgenthau says that human’s lust for power is a ubiquitous empirical fact.
Liberals-classic liberals are optimistic about human nature. Rousseau Humans had joined together in civil societies because they found it easier to improve their existence through cooperation.
Realism assumptions-class notes
- In a dangerous world in which there is a rule of nature says the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must you have to be prudent.
- -Unilateral pursuit of self-interest
- -power - World politics is driven by competitive self-interest
- Countries struggle for power in an effort to preserve or improve its military security and economic welfare
- The struggle for power is a zero sum game. A gain for one country is inevitably a loss for others.
- Morgenthau, Hobbes, pessimistic about human nature, They have a dark side. Humans have an inherent urge to dominate. Humans lust for power is a ubiquitous empirical fact.
Liberal assumptions-class notes
- Multilateral action through institutions and regional organizations on the world stage.
- People and countries are capable of finding mutual interests and cool operating to achieve them By working through international organizations and according to international law
- View power as a factor that affects human behavior but also add morality, ideology, emotions, friendship, habits of cooperation and altruism.
- Non-zero-sum game-win-win situation-games of one country do not come at the expense of others
- Optimistic about human nature
- Rousseau Humans join together in civil societies because they found it easier to improve their existence through cooperation than through competitive self-reliant
How would you characterize the international system? Who are the important actors? What are the important mechanisms determining the behavior?
IR is like a play with actors, each actor is pursuing their own interest
International relations are a global drama. The international system is a stage and the organizations in the international system are actors.
1. States-Are the most powerful. They guard their sovereignty. This sovereignty separates them from other actors. There is no director who can bring order to the interaction among the actors.
2. Inter Governmental organizations-Global, regional.
3. Nongovernmental organizations-Individuals as members
4. Multinational corporations-Very high economic output.
5. People or individual actors-Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr.