Chapter 1 Flashcards
Capital budgeting
Deciding in whether to expand a manufacturing plant
Capital Structure
Deciding whether to issue new equity and use the proceeds to retire outstanding debt
Capital management
Modifying the firm’s credit collection policy with its customer
Types of businesses
Sole proprietorship
Agency Problems
Management may act in its own or someone else’s best interests, rather than those of the shareholder’s .
In these events occur, this may cause them to contradict the goal of maximizing the share price of the equity of the firm.
What is the goal of financial management ?
To maximize the current market value (share price) of the equity of the firm (whether it’s publicly-traded or not)
Corporate ownership
- shareholders are the owners
- shareholders elect board of directors
- BOD elects management
- separation can cause agency problem
Chartered banks
Accept deposits and issue commercial loans, corporate loans, personal loans and mortgages
Trust companies
Accept deposits and make loans, but also engage in fiduciary activities such as managing assets for estates, registered retirement savings plans, etc.
Investment dealers
Non-depository institutions that assist firms in issuing new securities
Insurance companies
Engage in indirect financing by accepting funds in a form similar to a deposit and making loans
Pension funds
Invest contributions from employers and employees in securities offered by financial markets
Mutual funds
Pool individual investments to purchase a diversified portfolio
Hedge funds
Cater to sophisticated investors and seek high returns by using aggressive financial strategies prohibited by mutual funds
Money markets
Financial markets where short-term debt instruments are bought and sold
Capital markets
Financial markets where long-term debt and equity securities are bought and sold
Derivatives market
Where options and futures are traded on financial instruments and commodities
Primary markets
Are where securities are sold for the first time (I.P.O)
Secondary markets
Are where outstanding securities are sold
Indirect finance
Funds are transferred from suppliers of capital to demander of capital through a financial intermediary.
Life insurance companies engage in indirect finance by accepting funds in a form similar to deposits and making longs.
Direct finance
Funds are transferred from suppliers of capital to demander of capital but financial intermediaries are bypassed.
Financial Engineering
The creation of new securities or financial processes.. This engineering could be used to package and sell risky assets to investors; for examples, banks can package and sell mortgages into mortgage backed securities and sell these on to other investors