Chapter 1 Flashcards
the livestock
le bétail
a flea
une puce
a salmon
un saumon
a mussel
une moule
whose / which
everything you dreamed about is available in town
- on a tout ce* dont tu rèvais en ville
- everything you dreamed about is available in town*
to render / return / give up
I went there at 4 o’clock in the morning
- je m’y rendis à 4 heures du matin*
- I went there at 4 o’clock in the morning*
a share
I want to share some data with you
une part
- je voudrais vous faire part de quelques données*
- I want to share some data with you*
a point
I am in agreement with that point of view
un point
- je suis d’accord avec ce point de vue*
- I am in agreement with that point of view*
what drives him to act that way?
- qu’est-ce qui le pousse à agir ainsi?*
- what drives him to act that way?*
a part
he’s keeping most of that money
une partie
- il garde la majeure partie de cet argent*
- he’s keeping most of that money*
a fact / done
factually, he is right
un fait
- dans les faits, il a raison*
- factually, he is right*
I’m going to refrain from using such language
- je vais m’absentir d’employer un tel langage*
- I’m going to refrain from using such language*
so / then / therefore/ thus
we had to do the calculations ourselves
- nous avons donc dû faire les calcus nous-mêmes*
- we had to do the calculations ourselves*
to deliver / replace / put / set
we resumed walking
- on s’est remis à marcher*
- we resumed walking*
either / or
he doesn’t have a choice: either he’s a star or he’s nothing
- il a pas le choix: soit il est une star soit il est rien*
- he doesn’t have choice: either he’s a star or he’s nothing*
so much / so many
but you have so much to teach
- mais vous avez tant à enseigner*
- but you have so much to teach*
from / as soon
they’ll wave to me as soon as you get down there
- on me fera signe dès que vous descendrez*
- they’ll wave to me as soon as you get down there*
a way / means / medium
he was dreaming of a way to profit from his victory
un moyen
- il songaient aux moyens de profiter de sa victoire*
- he was dreaming of a way to profit from his victory*
a relationship / report
I move that the commitee’s report be adopted
un rapport
- je propose que le rapport du comité soit adopté*
- I move that the commitee’s report be adopted*
an eye
un oeil