Chapter 1 Flashcards
Word: Diverse
Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Very different from each other.
Collocation: diverse cultures, diverse ethnic, diverse linguistic.
Word family: diversify ( verb ) , diversification ( noun ) , diversely ( adverb ).
Sentence: my opinion is diverse*** from my sister’s opinion.
Word: Evolve.
Part of Speech: Verb.
Definition: to develop by gradually changing or to make somethings* do this
Collocation: evolve from somethings, evolve into somethings**.
Word family: evolution ( noun ) , evolving ( adjective ).
Sentence: The city has evolved its own old buildings***.
Word: Encounter
Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: To experience problems, difficulties, or opposition when you are trying to do something.
Collection***: encounter problems, encounter difficulties/obstacles, encounter opposition/resistance
Word family: encounter (noun ).
Sentence: my father always encounter*** his problems alone without any help.
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