Chapter 1 Flashcards
Alice walker
The color purple
The pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and continues through life
Life span perspective
Perspective that development is lifelong, multidimensional, multidirectional, plastic, Etc. involves growth maintenance and regulation
Setting in which development occurs
The capacity for change
Three context influence types
- Normative age graded
- Normative history graded
- Nonnormative or highly individualized life events
Normative age graded influences
Biological and environmental Influences that are similar for individuals In a particular age group (puberty menopause)
Normative history graded influence
Biological and environmental influences associated with history. (911)
Nonnormative life events
Unusual occurrences that have a major impact on a persons life (death in a family at a young age)
3 goals of human development
Regulation of loss
The behavior patterns, beliefs, and all other products of a group that are passed on from generation to generation
Cross-cultural studies
Comparisons of the aspects of two or more cultures. Provides info about the development( similar, universal)
A range of characteristics rooted in cultural heritage including nationality race religion and language.
Socioeconomic status (ses)
A persons position within a society based on occupational, educational, and economic characteristics.
The characteristics of people as females or males
Social policy
A national governments course of action designed to promote the welfare of its citizens
Biological processes
Changes in an individual’s physical nature
Cognitive processes
Changes in an individual’s thoughts, intelligence, and language
Socioemotional processes
Changes in an individual’s relationship with other ppl, emotions, and personality
Developmental period
Time frame in a persons life that is characterized by certain features.
8 developmental periods
Prenatal period Infancy Early childhood Middle / late childhood Adolescents Early adulthood Middle adulthood Late adulthood
Prenatal period
Time from conception to birth
Period from birth to 18-24 months
Early childhood
From end of infancy to 5-6 aka preschool years
Middle and late childhood
Early adulthood
Late teens or early 20’s through thirties
Middle adulthood
Late adulthood
60’s or 70’s until death
Ted kacynski