Chapter 1 Flashcards
% of Americans that don’t meet recommended PA
almost 70%
2nd leading cause of death in the US
excessive amount of body fat; BMI +30
what makes obesity more prevalent in US compared to other countries
+environment determines reference for normal
+desensitized to maintaining BW
+unlimited cheap calories
+low LTPA, DPA, and OPA
BMI categorizing
+obese: 30+
+overweight: 25-29.9
+ideal: 18.9-24.9
greatest distractions from PA
+smart phone 4.5 hrs/day
+TV 4.5 hrs/day
+full time job
1 lb. = ____ calories
energy expenditure for walking 1 mile
Advantages for Ex
\+ increase metabolism \+ decrease anxiety \+ decrease depression \+ reduce chronic fatigue \+ improves ability to sleep
communicable disease
smallpox, flu, TB
chronic disease
stroke, CHD, high BP
7 dimensions of wellness
Emotional Environmental Mental Occupational Physical Social Spiritual
detraining occurs
36-48 hours
US rank regarding population health
average American has___ years of physically disabled existence
physical activity
any bodily movement created by skeletal muscle
structured manner in which PA is performed continuously at least 10 minutes
moderate PA requires___ calories/day
blood pressure
pressure blood exerts on arteries
systolic blood pressure
when heart contracts “lub”
diastolic blood pressure
when heart is relaxing “dub”
pulse pressure
SBP - DBP (mm Hg)
mean blood pressure
DBP + 1/3 of PP (mm Hg)
% of US adults who don’t exercise and #1 reason why
70, don’t want / like to
F- 3/4x week
I- 60-85% VO2 max
T- 30-45 minutes (continuous)
T- jog, elliptical, cross training (10-15 miles)
F- 7x week
I- 85-100% VO2 max
T- 2 hours
T- sport specific (100 miles)
Avoid disease
F- 5x week
I- 50-60% VO2 max
T- 30 minutes
T- walk (6-12 miles)
VO2 max
hearts strength relative to person
1 mile =____ steps
Americans walk____ miles/day
preliminary step indices
Sedentary - 5K
low activity - 5-7.5K
mod. activity -7.5-10K
high activity - +10K
Americans TV / screen time
4 hours/ day
sitting disease =____ hours of sitting per day
non exercise activity thermogenesis
Type of physical fitness
- Health related
- Skill related
- Physiologic
Health related
ability to perform daily activities
- aerobic endurance
- muscular strength
- muscular endurance
- muscular flexibility
- body composition
skill related
- agility
- balance
- coordination
- reaction time
- speed
- power
metabolic, bone and morphology