Chapter 1 Flashcards
A drop of water, first to observe living microbes & discovered bacteria through his homemade single-lens microscope….{A.v.Lee}
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Who developed a taxonomic system? A system naming plants & animals and grouping similar organisms together?…{C.L}
Carolus Linnaeus
The only type of microbes not described by Leeuwenhoek are?
Is a prokaryotic; meaning they lack a nuclei….their genes are not surrounded by a membrane.
Bacteria & archaea.
Who lacks cell walls and composed of a polysaccharide called peptidoglycan.
The cell walls of BLANK lack peptidoglycan & instead are composed of other chemicals.
Archaea ——>found in extreme environments (oxygen-depleted mud at bottom of swamps) Do not cause diseases.
Who is smaller than eukaryotic cells? They live singly or in pairs, chains, or clusters. Their habitat contains a lot of moisture.
Bacteria & archaea
Contains a nucleus composed of genetic material surrounded by a distinct membrane.
Who obtains their food from other organisms? They have cell walls & are eukaryotic.
God father of micro? Conducted experiment to prove maggots & flies did not arise spontaneously….{R}
Multicellular that grow long filaments. Reproduce sexual & asexual spores. They can produces new individual without fusing with one another.
Unicellular & oval to round. They produces asexually by budding. Sometimes produce sexual spores.
Single-celled eukaryotes. Live freely in water, but some live inside animal hosts where they can cause disease.
Unicellular & multicellular. Make their own food from carbon dioxide & water using energy from sunlight.
Could not been seen until electron microscope was invented. They are acellular (not composed of cells)
Advocate of (S.G) boiled seed infusions & mutton gravy flasks which were then sealed. Saw microorganisms some days later in the infusions. It was obvious it got contaminated with microbes from the air…..{Née}
Who contradicted Needham findings?
Spallanzani’s —–people still believed Needham but later Louis Pasteur finally laid the theory of Spontaneous generation to rest!
Lived by this motto: Work,Will,Success, fill human existence. Repeated the Needham/Spallanzani’s experiment. Sealed flask, bent their neaks into S-shape which allowed air to enter while preventing dust/microbes.
Cloudiness indicates what?
Presence of living organisms.
Observations, a question, hypothesis(potential answer to the question), design/conduct a experiment to test hypothesis, results of experiment leads to accept,rejects or modifies the hypothesis. Then theory or law.
Scientific method
Organisms that can live with or without oxygen is called? Who discovered this?…{Pa}
Facultative anaerobes…….Pasteur, conducted serious of observations & experiments that answered “What causes fermentation?” (Grape juice & yeast)
Because of this person in which microbes are intentionally used to manufacture products. Today pasteurization is used routinely on milk to eliminate pathogens that cause diseases. Eliminates pathogens in juices & beverages….. {Pa}
Who explained the chemical explanation by showing that fermentation DOES NOT require living cells? Demonstrated the presence of enzymes, which are cell-produced proteins that promote chemical reactions….{Ed.B}
Edward Buchner
Who modified the scientific method and proved that a given pathogen caused a specific disease? …{RK}
Robert Koch
Who studied “anthrax” ? And then began to study bacterial colonies on solid surfaces. Use to smear specimens onto a slice of potato or a gelatin medium. Now we use a gel called “agar” instead of gelatin or potato…{RK}
Robert Koch
Solid medium called “gelatin” its a protein which prevents spillage it’s makes it solid….{R.K}
Robert Koch
Discovered anthrax? the cause of TB was a rod-shape bacterium, mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Robert Koch
Who passed air through “Sulfuric acid” & “Sodium hydroxide?”…{Fr.S}
Franz Shultze
Who filtered air? HINT two scientist:)
Heinrich Schroder & Theodor Von Dusch
Who discovered the Spontaneously generation theory? {P&Ty}
Pasteur & Tyndall
What is a polysaccharide? A solid medium?
Who discovered that enzymes were responsible for fermentation? His work led him in field of biochemistry & study of metabolism.
Edward Buchner
Anthrax due to “Bacillus anthracis”
Robert Koch
What is the purposes for boiling?
Kills bacteria
What causes diseases? caused by germs?
G. Fracastoro
Anthrax bacillus
Joseph Davaine
Anthrax due to “Bacillus anthracis”?
Robert Koch
Discovered, “ Smallpox vaccine “
Who discovered “Cholera?” A disease of small intestine that results in watery diarrhea. Its spread by contaminated water suppy. His study was infection control and Epidemiology—>study of occurrence, distribution & spread of disease in humans.
John snow
Founder of modern nursing. Who discovered a technique in nursing practice to prevent spread of infections in hospitals?
Florence Nightingale
Who discovered a drug called “Salvarsan” for syphilis? And is called FATHER of chemotherapy….{P.Eh}
Paul Ehrlich
Who said that contaminated hands were responsible for the spread of “puerperal fever?”